I Hail From Nerdport

Despite appearances, I am usually EXTREMELY behind on things that are cool. In fact, one of my very favorite things to do every six months or so is to go out to the biggie-sized electronics store and rootle through the bargain software bin. I am never happier as when I find something marked down to like, $3.95. Nevermind the fact that the game is so old my computer won’t even talk to it, and I have to find some OTHER no-doubt-spyware-installing software to download that will make my computer (Tyrone) be able to understand toddler language, so to speak. I can just hear Tyrone, “I have a brain the size of a PLANET, and you want me to run Bard’s Tale II.”

So on Sunday, when we were supposed to be looking for MP3 players, I found Elder Scrolls III for TWENNY DOLLA! Featuring AMAZING 2002 TECHNOLOGY. That shiot will blow your doors off, dude. Actually, it’s marvelous, because Tyrone was built in ’02, and I have beefed him up since then, so he says he likes this.

Speaking of the amazing year 2002, I have gotten into the Harry Potter series eight years later. NOW I KNOW what you were all talking about. Sorry about the confusion before.

Seriously, it’s Okay. I can see why I read the first one in ’98, after getting it for xmas, and then losing interest by the time the second one rolled around. What got me into the series this summer is A) Extreme boredom coupled with the inability to go anywhere interesting due to the fact that I have a toddler who’s squirmier than a bag of het-up snakes, and B) Companion brought home Hairy Pooper 6: I Have Killed Off the Best Character (Evil Laughter). Aaand then I could go back and read them all in a big gluttonous two-week orgy.

So it’s actually not always so bad to get things late. Witness: $20 computer games, and two-week reading orgies. THE END!

Next Time on I, Out-Of-It-hole: Have you guys heard about ROLLERBLADING? It’s like skates, but just one row of wheels!


“I think you ought to know I’m feeling very depressed.”

6 thoughts on “I Hail From Nerdport

  1. I too read all the Harry Potters at once. In two weeks. Summer of ’03, when Order of the Phoenix hit shelves. I didn’t understand the hoopla. But I am a terminal misser of hoopla’s point.

    Bargain software’s where it’s at. Have you played any of the Zork games? That’s less toddler-language and more DOS.

  2. OMFG!!! I LOVE ZORK!! I’m totally dating myself here, but I freaking played the hell out of Zork: Nemesis when it came out.

  3. BEWARE, Lady! Elder Scrolls 3 took my LIFE. Fortunately World of Warcraft rode up on a gleaming white palfrey and saved me from ES3’s evil clutches. Now all I gotta do is escape from Warcraft and I can totally have my life back.

  4. Yeeeeah, I kind of…dreamed about ES3 last night. SIGH. Dorkiness: terminal.

    Yes! I played Zork on my old old old Compy.

    MB: Hoopla! I’ve noticed that about you. The only other person who was not feeling Dan Brown. There’s a great article about Dan Brown and his habit of borrowing other people’s ideas in this month’s Vanity Fair.

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