I Call A Balki and Larry Sandwich and You Can’t Take That Away From Me

Baby not sleeping; SJ insane. Lifeguard sleeping; girl drowning.

ANYWAYZ, devoid of the mental energy required to even make a mufuh sandwich, I click on Internets. You benefit from my voluntary subjugation.

1. Otto the Cat and Perfect Strangers mashup? I dunno, man.

2. 1337 kids PWN parents. THANK GOD a local news station is on the case to uncover this “potentially dangerous threat.” By this logic, sporks are “potentially fatal.”

3. Family Dog. This was a short on Stephen Spielbergo’s Amazing Stories years ago, and the first time I saw it it almost made me pee. This spawned catchphrases for years. “Hewo, Mawyanne. Are you a good baby?”

Wow, all SFW today! Unless your work expects you to, you know, work.

6 thoughts on “I Call A Balki and Larry Sandwich and You Can’t Take That Away From Me

  1. The 1337 thing was pretty funny. Notice they blurred the Wikipedia entry so’s we won’t go and learn how to to it for ourselves. Hee!

  2. Still looove Family Dog… It also spawned the “…white hot ball of canine terror”, the “..ouuu baybeh!” and the “…dats meee in da moobie” catch phrases. :D

  3. 0|-| N0000z teh L0k4l newz! teh suxxors!
    |\|0\/\/ mI P.U. w1LL N0 1’m CH4tt|\|g w/ teh 84b3s!

  4. Sigh. If I am 47 and I can read your damn 1337, doesn’t that pretty much blowh the hell out of the premise for your story?

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