When An Infotard Gets the Flu, It Is Like Letting Evil Dui Win

So, worst flu since Franny was three weeks old, six-plus years ago. Strudel’s got it too, but she’s still running around jibberjabbering incoherently. Because rest is for suckas!

It’s days like this that I really yearn for a real, live television. If I was monkey-less, I would probably just poke the internet all day, but I can’t, of course. So I wish I could just turn on the TV and watch someone carmelize onions for a while.

I suspect I’ll bounce back next week, hit my winter-mania lack-of-sunlight stride and post every day. Because we rock on the feast or famine style round here.

Meanwhile, Halo schemes on how to sneak me into some kind of cocktail party thing for one night of the ALA midwinter meeting. I have pulled out a sensible cardigan and shoes in preparation for this. But under that I’ll be wearing my DEWEY DANGLERS! SHAKE IT BABY!


I haven’t been a room with this many librarians since I graduated. I think I still have my nerd snap rolling, because Halo and I were citing Robert Taylor at the bookstore the other night, making me laugh so hard I peed a little. Which only proves that I was paying attention in the first quarter (about the long and short of it).

6 thoughts on “When An Infotard Gets the Flu, It Is Like Letting Evil Dui Win

  1. Lame! I hope that you feel better soon. I don’t know why kids are so opposed to resting. Tiny jerks!

  2. Sensible cardigan? Pfft. While I have to reign in the hoochie tops and glitter eyeliner (a little), you won’t be traveling with your dean and can go wild. Although if you bust out the pasties, brains will explode. Hee.

  3. I am seriously thinking about making some some up on the cheap, just to see if I can get some lib’s to SUBMIT.

  4. Oh SJ I would kill to see you at ALA Midwinter in yez red hair and stud, pasties or no.
    Sadly, I am not going either but will instead spend my time filling in for them full-timers who get to go to Seattle.

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