Orange Alert

Hey team, so after a full serving of flu for dinner, we now have colds for dessert. Strudel has some eyegoop, and thank god the drops aren’t stinging her. I am limping along here and just trying to make it to the 19th. I also feel bad that this has become a tackboard for my current health.


11 thoughts on “Orange Alert

  1. Don’t sweat the health updates. You could be writing about the mating habits of african ants and it’d still be hilarious, so long as you keep bringing the “hurs” and the “noms” and the comparisons like “vagina is not junk drawer.”


  2. Glad U iz not dead. Sickness abounds all over the Seattle area. We are lucky we haven’t made CNN and are all forced to wear masks up in here. April iz crzy month 2…it should be killed…or eaten or banned.
    Keep up the funnies. We love you and I second the “vagina is not junk drawer” LOVE.

  3. oh my. “No one is a problem anymore, because I eated them.”
    I am still laughing 12 hours later.

  4. I agree. You make even the most mundane stuff of life seem much more exciting and humorous. Rootling in one’s junk drawer is funny when it belongs to somebody else. You had me at Hur.

    Gets better.

  5. You might go post your symptoms and look at everyone else’s at
    It’s an interesting website that you can use to see who is sick where. David Pogue turned me on to it.
    Hope you feel better soon.
    PS: I concur – rootling in junk drawer = priceless

  6. Hope you’re all better soon. There are a bunch of people sick up here, too.

    God, Thai food. That’s what I have to have when I go to Seattle: decent Thai food. What I wouldn’t give for some tom ka gai the way they make it at sea thai.

  7. oooohhhh, i just found your blog after perusing thru sooooooooooo many, and yours is the better than the rest. and now im excited.

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