
It has come to my attention, via me posting it on Twitter, that I am going to be liveblogging my last day of work tomorrow. Expect check ins once per hour. Considering that I took an actual lunch about twice a month that was not just shoveling food between processes and keystrokes, I have no qualms about managing my time this way.

You should also know that I was looking for my phone on the bus today frantically while I was holding it. I am super weird and under-sleeped and I am sure this will make for an interesting evening out at Chop Spewy. I have wangst on top of everything, so I’m sure drinking loads tonight will help with that a lot.

See U in the morn.

5 thoughts on “Announcement

  1. Oh, noes! I kept you awake too long last night! I was ded today, but didn’t repeat sudafed fiasco. Loves!

  2. It was a pleasure having you in tonight! You said you were writing a Victorian era food blog? What’s the address?

  3. Decreased productivity is almost expected on your last day. You’ll fit right in with the status quo. lol

  4. Also EVERYONE, I did not refer to the nice man in my comments as Offal in any way.

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