My Girl Wants To Party All The Time



I am trying to clean my house, which is making Strudel cry because I’m not paying attention to her every second.

So I sit down to pay attention to her, and she runs off to find crud on the floor to hand to me. I KNOW THERE’S CRUD ON THE FLOOR. I’M TRYING TO CLEAN IT UP!


I’m going to the Zoo to take pictures of the Steve Irwin shrine there. I can’t clean, and she’s not actually interested in playing. Never satisfied. Sometimes I feel like I’m living with my former in-laws, all wrapped up in one tiny pre-verbal body.

Oh, and PS, The Baby: “HUN HUN HUN HUN HUN,” while annoying and attention-attracting, is not actually a word.

7 thoughts on “My Girl Wants To Party All The Time

  1. In the five minutes it took me to type this, she pulled a fat Sharpie off her father’s desk and colored on her face, arm, and clothes.

  2. I don’t understand. Why not just put in earplugs, tightly tie her shoes, and then electrical tape them to the floor at the foot of the stairs so she can sit down. Sure she’ll cry, but she won’t destroy anything or get marker on herself, and the cleaning will get done and you can always console her later.

    Oh wait. That’s child abuse, right?

  3. Sharpie markers are the devil if you have small children… the devil. I caught my husband looking at some in Office Depot the other day and I slapped the package out of his hand and told him to just “say no”

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