Obligatory Drunken Blogher Post

Woo. I haven’t had four martinis in a while. I think I like the W.




Nice red face there, Irishy Irishpants.

“Chavtasic,” says Shauna, whose computer I’m typing on. SCREEEM!

17 thoughts on “Obligatory Drunken Blogher Post

  1. I had been lead to believe there was a shortage of perfect breasts in the world, and yet I am looking at some right now.

    Not to sound lecherous or anything. More like, pro-leche. Gosh, you’re pretty.

  2. The news said that a kitchen/dining area at Navy Pier had been closed down for health code violations (mouse poo everywhere) and I thought of you. Uh. Because you’re at a thing at Navy Pier, not because I associate you with mouse poo.

  3. “Nice red face there, Irishy Irishpants.”

    Back home we call that a “booze tan.”
    Enjoy Chicago, have some Giordano’s pizza for me.

  4. Okay, THANK YOU for: doing your roots
    I wuz nervous you would be all rooty for Blogwhore.
    Have fun!!!

  5. I like your “serious face” in the first picture. She’s not gonna know what hit her. You ARE gonna hit her, aren’t you? Maybe you need(ed) that FIFTH martini.

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