If You’re So Very Good Looking, Why Are You On Your Own Tonight?

Today on Days of Our Bloghers, some Asshole writes about the Scieno Warz!

We catch up with our heroine in a spunky mood, for a change.



Last night I had a passel of kids over here. It was really something. I made them some quesadillas, forgetting that my young guests are picky. What kid does not like melted cheese and tortilla? Now I know.

I had so many extra, because usually visiting children inhale them like there’s no tomorrow, but not this crew. So I put the extras out on the windowsill for squirrels. Shortly after Companion came home he said, “I see one of your quesadillas.” A squirrel had dragged it to the porch of the next-door apartment. WHOOPS. Sorry, apartment denizens.


For dinner I made sole and hairy Corvairs and followed with those little melted-center cakes. It was like 98% NOM.


But it came out of this kitchen. Can you trust a chef who leaves the powdered sugar right next to the green beans? Probably not.


Good thing I am cooking for children and people who cannot taste anything. Oh well. Better luck next life.

Franny came back, FUCKING FINALLY. Yesterday she was showing me her Valentines from her classmates.


Strudel tried on my headphones I use when I skype with cool people on the other side of the planet, etc. I had a little reverie in which she was running an air traffic control tower. EVERYONE DIED. :(


31 thoughts on “If You’re So Very Good Looking, Why Are You On Your Own Tonight?

  1. So funny to run into you. It was like meeting a celebrity! The above is the link to my lame ass blog…..once I get my internet hooked up, things will pick up. Take care!

  2. I want to see a Scientologist candidate at ScienceDebate2008, just for giggles. And if none of the viable candidates accept, I would accept a panel of wackier wanna-be candidates, along with Conan O’Brien doing his upside-down mouth thing with the face of Tom Cruise.

  3. Hee. I like that Franny’s red-eye matches her hair. What color did you use on her? I tried to dye my hair red, and it came out hot pink.

  4. That baby just gets cuter every time you post a picture. Mmmm!

    When I have a crunkload of kids over I feed em miso soup with udon and tofu. Half of them look at the soup like it’s trying to kill them, and the other half eat the noodles til they come straight out the other end.

    Either way, I am amused.

  5. Quesadillas? .. Soup? As soon as they walk in at my house I go to the pantry, grab a box of HoHos, open the back door, and just start launching them off the back deck. Entertaining and satisfying.

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