In Which I Declare Mother’s Day Wiggity-Whacked

(Inset standard Mother’s Day rant here: Hallmark cards, fabrication of holidays, every day should be Mother’s Day, etc.)

Okay, moving on, I have my own problems with Mother’s Day, and they are purely selfish, as usual. One of the first Mother’s Days I remember was when I was about seven. My mom expected something from me. Things cost money. I had no money! (My wages were being garnished by Smitty’s Pantry, which had a very large candy section.)

So every Mother’s Day until my mom disowned me, I had to cough up a present. Sometimes they were small n crappy, like some made-up markered-on oragami shit. Sometimes they were bigger and fancier, like new tea towels. Every time they were received the same way: “Oh thank you! Just what I wanted!” Now, while I was impressed that my mother was able to turn off the sarcasm for that long, I also knew it was insincere because she was so serious.

I am sparing my little Frannie from that nonsense; if she wants to get me something, fine. And it won’t be all, “No, no, don’t be silly, don’t get little old me anything!” and then weeping when I don’t get anything.

Here’s the korny part: I would really like her to make me some crappy squashed oragami shit on March 17th, or November 3rd, that she made just for fun. That would please me. I have a birthday and a wedding anniversary; I think that’s enough for any Mr. Husband to worry about.

In Other News

Oh la la, I finally got my crappy puff piece published in my school newspaper. The piece is puffy, not the professor. I wish I could have done better for him.

Also finshing up my resume for a school job that will cover tuition, insurance, and provide a stipend. I haven’t worked since the amazing year 1999, so I am actually excited. Yes, I know I’m dumb. Yes, I will eat the word “excited” I know.

4 thoughts on “In Which I Declare Mother’s Day Wiggity-Whacked

  1. I concur. Mother’s day is both stupid and dumb.

    (Says the gal whose [who’s? whos?] cat got her a placebo CD for mother’s day. Thank you, Cornelius.)

  2. one of my friends works for Hallmark so i’m all like “Yay Hallmark”. But other than keeping my friend in paychecks and margaritas i could do with out the societal pressure to find the Great Gift for Mom once a year that says it all with Special Love.

  3. Thank God other people are sick & tired of all these precious ‘Hallmark’ moments! Why do we even need a card or gift for Mother’s Day or any other so-called freakin’ holiday anyway? Cha-Ching! Hello, anyone out there? Pretty soon it’ll be “Tuesday!” Run out & buy, buy buy for the Tuesday holiday! What Crap! And No.. I don’t cry at the ‘Hallmark’ commercials either. Cutesy crap makes me want to puke! Now if you’ll excuse me I have to crap a masterpiece!

  4. My mom expects the card an’ all on mother’s day, and my li’l sis does holidays, too, so I find her something funny. I don’t do holidays, so I don’t want anything. My daughter regularly gives me huge hugs and tells me she thinks I’m wonderful and no card one day of the year could be better than that.

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