Sunday Snowparty

Oh lordy, the poor chickens. It is in the 20s here and the snow is not budging, surprisingly. The girls have been in and out all day and when they are in we peer at the chickens out the window and they peer back with a WHYYY? The Silkies are hiding in the broody box, Calliope and Veronica are walking around, and the Buttercups, which I understand are Mediterranean birds, are frantically trying to hide on/under each other. They don’t seem to have the clue that they could go in their house or to one of the many places in the yard without snow. Poor dumb bints. I am saving pictures up in my camera to show you from a month or whatever now. My USB cable is on the way!

Otherwise I am doing a short-term editing project that is pretty fun. Staying cozy until I have to pry myself out of my house to go to work. We sold so much useless crap yesterday that today has been declared “casual Sunday.” I am going to wear a dickie and a tube top.

24 thoughts on “Sunday Snowparty

  1. Are your chickens standing on one foot as well? Ours keep alternating feet while giving us hateful looks. Mr. Klassy is using the distraction to move about the coop relatively unmolested.

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