Bad Advice, Free

Hey, I got a new modem. WOW! My friend whatladder has been wanting to podcast with me for YONKS and it took me this long to sack up and consent. I will be aided by my assistant, teal wine.

Apparently I am podcasting TONIGHT, and we would love to have questions to answer. Need advice on love? Grammar? Sexual DIFFICULTIES? Dubious childrearing practices? There will be other topics as well. I will let you know when the asscast is up.

Leave a question in the comments or email me at sj at this domain.

12 thoughts on “Bad Advice, Free

  1. I would like to know more about how the hell to figure out what career I should train for.

    I took the Strong Interest Inventory in college. I was really only interested in computers and the military (I was going through a figher jets are cool phase). So I majored in computer science, but hated the work.

    I went back to school, because I love to read and research stuff in books, I majored in Paralegal Studies. I found out that I make a horrid legal assistant.

    The advice of major in what you’re interested in is obviously a load of crap for me. I am the jack of all trades, master of none.

    So I’m thinking of going back to school AGAIN. However, I’m still not sure what to study or what I can do after school. I’m 30 and I feel like a confused 18 year old.

    Why did you choose to train as a librarian? How did your friends choose their majors? How many people do you know are working in their chosen field of study?

    What’s the meaning of life?

    Also, dubious childrearing practices should be amusing.

  2. Really – WHAT is that a picture of? It disturbs me that I’m a nurse and can’t figure it out!

  3. How do you know it’s time to call your marriage quits? That’s my question.


  4. I second Jesslla’s Qs on college shiz. I am coming into the opportunity to get a degree and the cluelessness – it ows. Also, share some knowledge on how to handle my child with stereotypes.

  5. Oh my gosh, actual questions. Stay tuned! I flamed out in a big failboat of fail last night due to tiredness, but we will regroup.

  6. I thought it was too late…but if you are still doing it, maybe you could give your opinion on whether it is actually worth having a fight every day about your toddlers cleaning their teefs. (the fight is with the toddlers not a third party, to clarify). So far, I am opting for the quite life and I presume, consequent teeth rot. Be keen to know what you and WL think in your Dubious Child Rearing section.

  7. Hi Jane, we actually just recorded, but we will hit this next week! I hope the child in your life will still have teeth then.

  8. For next time, I guess…

    What date would be the most appropriate to do the hibbedy dibbedy? ;)

    Also, Would it be worth my time to actually try and grow foods in my backyard or is it too much hassle and not enough sassle?

  9. jesslla~

    r u me?

    am also horrid legal assistant in texas (austin) and clearly not using my expensive BS in environmental science. mind-rottingly-boring office job + being 30 + no direction + mortgage = … well, i don’t know what it equals but it ain’t good. i just paid $$$ to a “career counselor” to take some tests that will allegedly tell me what to be when i grow up. i look forward to revelations and will demand my $$$ back if they tell me i should be a legal assistant.

    i must say that it’s exceedingly comforting to know that someone else out there is as confused as i am.

    hey! maybe 30 is the new 18 – now with forehead wrinkles and cellulite! yay.

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