FYCL Podcast 1 Up


Topics include: “Should I Stay Married?, What Should I Be When I Grow Up? and People Who Can Stick Their Own Dicks In Their Asses.” It is me and whatladder. You pays your moneys and you takes your chances. I may have overshared. Again.

The sound quality is a little dodgy, but I am told it will improve. When we get to Ep. 3 we will get proper hosting and you can Really Simple Stalk us and stuff. WOO! I imagine the posting will get more scheduled/reliable as well.

If you have questions/comments for this weekend’s conversation, Ep. 2, please leave a comment or send an email to sj at this domain.

15 thoughts on “FYCL Podcast 1 Up

  1. SJ, try not to have the mic all up in your grill. ;) Puffs ftl. Other than that: Awesome.

    The relationship advice was actually quite pertinent to my interests. I firmly believe I made the correct decision now. NO GOING BACK!

    Can’t wait to hear the next one. ;)

  2. I LOVED the FYCL podcast. You and whatladder have lovely voices. I’m looking forward to future casts and will take advantage of Really Simple Stalking when it becomes available.

  3. I LOL’d muchly at the podcast (in a good way)! I kept missing important bits though especially the last whatladder recommendation part, no idea whether that was my headphones being fail or not.

    I thought the oversharing was WIN. MOAR please.

    Now I am going to post a question on whatladder’s blog because I don’t want to be playing comment favourites!

  4. Thank cheetos you translated on assflickr, I was weeping quietly into my pearls because I wasn’t cool enough to know what FYCL meant. Now I can go back to ass scratching and mouth breathing with full peace of mind.

  5. Loved it! whatladder is a Kiwi?!? I am pondering what question to submit for next episode….

  6. Oh shit! whatladder is an aussie?! this should be my question: aussie v. kiwi, accent-wise – how to tell the difference?

    Also have funny story of bf’s coworker, a brit, asked if he was an aussie by an idiot at the office and replied, “No, that would be an insult.” SO! I guess other question would be why are brits so pompous about being mistaken for aussies?

  7. Kiwi my arse!

    Whoops myladder already said that :)

    Hee hee.

    Loved it and cannae wait for more… MOAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRR

  8. And here is the lovely lady who introduced me to the beauty of the Oz accent. Thanks, this is fun.

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