Confidence in Large Supply, Today

And here I was all terrified this morning, because my thesis advisor wanted to call me at home and I have Cringy Puppy Syndrome. It turns out that all she wanted was to catch up with me and tell me what to get done while she’s on vacation.

Things are good–Mr. Husband is working for the next three days so we will be able to cover Frannie tuition and food. Sometimes things just work out.

N.B.: You can use money to hire a hot tub full of jiggly bikini girls, or it can get you killed or sent to jail. How can money be so evil, yet so delightful?

I am victorious because I cut my hair without being under the influence of PMS, so I did not end up with a faux-hawk or a bad weave or something. I almost cut my bangs short again, because I had thirty seconds of, “oh wouldn’t it be cute to have widdle bangs with the widdle choppy bob?” but I refrained, thank god. I have always meant to write up a list of about twenty reasons why I shouldn’t have bangs, and then to put it in an envelope marked “Self: open when you have that look in your eye and you are sharpening the hair scissors.”

Perhaps you can see now why I am always hitting my face on stuff.

It is an Okay haircut. I took this picture using my father-in-law’s sexy new Pentax Optio, which indeed fits in an Altoid tin, as the ads promise. You could probably swallow the thing and not realize it.

Now I will begin the wrestling match with the university’s Human Subjects Division. You have to fill out a book-sized application stating your research methodology, partners, purpose, etc. They are notoriously bureaucratic and difficult, but fortunately I have people who have defeated them before. I will be victorious.

This is the part where we cue the theme from Brazil, and I get everything signed in triplicate.

7 thoughts on “Confidence in Large Supply, Today

  1. i cut my hair too, but i don’t think it requires pms or anything. just a hot shower and a razor blade.

    and sj we really need to more of your wit around my internet house. you still rock my socks.

  2. simply mahvelous ‘do dahling.

    all i give myself are hair don’ts when i get the scissors out.

    shameful indeed.

  3. Charming haircut. Saves money. I once tried cutting my bangs and ended with frizzles coming out of the scalp. Often when my hair looks bad that look later comes into style (like the ‘never been brushed’ look). However, forehead frizzles have yet to become hot.

    Good luck with evil bureaucrats! I hate that stuff! What’s your research?

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