Franny’s Back

And she brought…wait for it….LICE. This is like blowing your nose now. I suspect the timing of her return has to do with a social engagement last night that SeaFed let slip.

“Did you know that back in a long time ago you could buy a whole BAG of CANDY for a penny? I wish I could live then. Except I wouldn’t be alive now. And I would not have a fish hat. Okay, never mind.”

Yes, have some moar candy from your stocking. Wheat-free child is HYPER.

5 thoughts on “Franny’s Back

  1. At Franny’s age I was so sure I was going to LIVE ON CANDY as an adult. I switched up to cigarettes and pale ale.

  2. Considering that my step children’s mother threatened us with legal action when the kids went home with spider bites after one weekend here (this is CAPE COD – EVERYONE has spiders!), I’m betting you could make some noise like that concerning CONSTANT infestation. I mean, wow. Since we didn’t want to have any more contact than necessary with Crazy Lady, we took a whole day to bomb the house (which goes against every Hippie fiber of my being, but, again, not worth the fight). We didn’t see another living insect all summer (sniff). You might want to suggest this to them.

  3. Yes, they’re everywhere, until at least senior high school (as my obsvs go). Commiserations! I still have a 12-year old, and he’s still a bit nitty.

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