I Would Touch His Weird Head

Obviously I am obsessed with Trololololo man right now, so I made my girls watch it this morning. UN. IM. PRESSED.

Me: What do you think, girls?
Franny: Huh.
Strudel: Why is he doing this?
Franny: Look at his weird head.
Strudel: I would not want to touch his weird head.
Me: Is this not AWESOME?
Strudel: Uhhhh….
Franny: I feel like I wish this was funny.


I made them lovely yogurt parfaits this morning with layers of banana, maple syrup, a sprinkle of oats, cinnamon, and almonds. I put it LOVINGLY in a large wineglass so you could see the layers. That’s right, Tim, I even serve my children BREAKFAST out of booze vessels. Get the beer bong, children, it is time for your afternoon smoothies.

Anyway, Franny took one look at her breakfast and immediately stirred it all up until it was a gluey uniform mess.

“Uh…” I said. “Parfait. Missing the point.”

Feral Dwarf smugly took dainty bites out of her otherwise-undisturbed parfait.

“DOH!” Franny said.

WhatEVERRRR I will still take Franny to LC in May. And it looks like I am going to Norwescon at the end of the month. HOW TERRIBLY EXCITING! See you there, I will be dressed as Sexy Pikachu. Too late for the writing workshop signups though, dratters.

4 thoughts on “I Would Touch His Weird Head

  1. Franny here is kind of like the inverse of me most of the time, i.e. “I feel like I wish I did not find this so funny.” If we ever met, the universe would implode.

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