Instant Underwear, Just Add WTF

Hey, it’s a leetle crazy around here because we have birthdays and houseguests and AGGH. Franny turned ten! When I get to it, I will write a post on Week 520. OR NOT.

She probably enjoyed her Instant Underpants the most.

9 thoughts on “Instant Underwear, Just Add WTF

  1. happy 10th birthday to Franny. Awesome gift.
    Though I am not sure I agree that it’s better to have damp underpants than no underpants at all.

  2. RIITE I would rather just go commando, or as they say with the proper Latinate suffix, commanDA.

  3. I can remember a few wild nights from my 20s when instant underpants might have come in handy a few mornings. (“Where am I and where’d my underwear go? Oh well, I’ll just use my Instant Underpants and get the hell out of here.”)

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