Can you tell me what this is, exactly? I have a feeling it is a specific something? I collect rosaries. Did I tell you that? This is serious.

I am working this weekend. Weh weh my pussy hurts.

7 thoughts on “WHAT THE HOOKAH

  1. Do the pictures match? I’m blind as a bat and can’t quite make it out.
    The thing on the left looks like an ordinary finger rosary lapel pin, but if these are supposed to be a set, I don’t have a clue as to the specific name for it.

  2. The one looks like a lapel rosary, yeah. You know, instead of a really uncomfortable magical-device-looking ring rosary or what have you. The one on the right looks like a commemorative piece (a bishop?) or possibly saint’s medal.

    I’m sorry your puss hurts. Have you been rubbing kool-aid in it again? Storing jawbreakers up there? It’s not a purse, you know.

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