I’m enjoying the Back to the Future series. Well, of course I am. I like that the cursor is a flux capacitor.

In other news, I know my claim for child support is progressing because I am receiving harassing and threatening emails. Did you know that an illegal porny slambook like this one may save your life? Or it will at least keep a record of your child’s whereabouts for the past 6 years? ME NEITHER. It also helps to have kept your calendars for the past five years. This note right here is a note to my future self, and I don’t even know it yet. I am my own archeologist.

Whew. I have a drama hangover from this weekend, still. More later.

5 thoughts on “SLACKERS!

  1. I’m not sure I get that tag, but I’m a Canadian and goddess knows our brains have been replaced with maple syrup.

    But, somewhat related, I share custody of my 5 1/2 yr old with The Former Mr (aka The Asshat), and I’ve kept a Google calendar for her for the last 4 1/2 years. We are brilliant women, no?

  2. I had really bad alcohol poisoning in Canada, does that count?

    Good on you, keeping your calendars! May the evil be overcome and goodness prevail.

  3. Please ensure that you change your passwords regularly…. And hang in there. I am fairly sure that Judges HATE having to read harassing and threatening emails, but there you go. Thinking of you.

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