Revenge of Little Edie

Strudel was standing over me as I was making a grocery list for blueberry buckle. I never have cow milk on hand–I only cook with it.

“I’m going to eat you, Mom. RAWR.”

“Uh, ok,” I said. I was only half-listening since I was staring at recipes and trying to remember what I needed.

“You have to take those earrings out, though.”


“Those are nice earrings,” she said. A pause. “Say, Mom, have you made your will yet?”

“Wait, what? Why are you asking me this?”

“I was just wondering.”

“I was thinking of having one drawn up now that we’re done being in court for your sister. Is just another clever attempt to get your hands on my jewelry?”

“Of course not. You just have to think about these things.”

5 thoughts on “Revenge of Little Edie

  1. You’re gonna come home one day and find little stickers all over your stuff that your girls have claimed ahead of time. Will there be any stickers on your velvets and taxidermy? WHO CAN SAY.

  2. Strudel for President. She is displaying her lawyerly mind so early. Constitutional law is just around the corner.

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