One night, in the Kingdom of Loathing clan chat….
Assmitten: Look it me I’m in the chat.
BustA: hi sj
Assmitten: what up
BustA: you ain’t been on in ages
Assmitten: What does a spider car dealer eat?
BustA: i dunno
Assmitten: A VW Bug!!!111
BustA: huh?
Assmitten: A VW BUG!!!!
BustA: that funny stuff
BustA: snort
Assmitten: hey, wanna cyber?
BustA: what’s that?
Assmitten: OMG N00B!
BustA: rudey mc rudey pants
Assmitten: You gonna blockzor ME?
Assmitten: I am yr CLAN LEADER!!!
Assmitten: <--shouting BustA: as if
Assmitten: [link] http:// www.urbandictionary. com/define.php? term=cyber
Assmitten: Well?
Assmitten: HEY OVER HERE!!!
Assmitten: RU there?
BustA: i’m embarrassed
Assmitten: Do you want to or NOOOOOT???
BustA: i’m sliding the back of my hand along your collar bone
Assmitten: Okay, I have to walk in first.
BustA: when you look me in the eye, i reach up and stroke your cheekbone
BustA: “this is going to hurt”
Assmitten: Are you going to poke me in the eye?
BustA: I slap you across the face with my hard salami
Assmitten: Oh, good, now it’s tenderized.
BustA: then i make a sandwich on rye with the salami and give you a bite
BustA: but only if you refrain from the mayo
Assmitten: You are not playing right!
BustA: hey baby, where’s my wizard hat?
Assmitten: At the cleaners.
Assmitten: First I have to walk in to the Typical Tavern.
BustA: but you’ll steal the pickles
Assmitten: <--walks in to the Typical Tavern. BustA: mmm, who’s that sweet young thing with the short skirt?
Assmitten: I am actually wearing Slug Lord Pants. What are you doing there?
BustA: i’m actually wearing a penguin skin mini…
BustA: this might be dirtier than you thought
Assmitten: I guess I’m the dood. Moxious!
Assmitten: What are you doing???
Assmitten: Are you playing pool, or doing kegstands?
BustA: i’ve got 58 moxie points, so you ought to be able to get under my skirt pretty easily
BustA: i’m working on my beer, throwing darts at random patrons, and drooling over your skirt that you’re not wearing
Assmitten: Yes, because I have 143 moxie points, so I’m going to cut the chitchat here.
Assmitten: “Give me some sugar, baby.”
BustA: can we do it on the pool table?
BustA: mmm, check out my crotch where the three lines come together
Assmitten: Is it dirty and does it have cigarette burns?
Assmitten: You nasty little stick figure you.
BustA: oh hell yeah, and so does the pool table
Assmitten: That was awesome.
BustA: you know, if we start chatting, i’m getting a lot less done at work
BustA: can we start tuesday?
Assmitten: You are like magic or like Jesus perhaps.
BustA: he would normally start on a sunday, i think
Assmitten: You are the lazy Jesus!!!
Assmitten: We could though, you know, cyber for real. Hee hee hee.
BustA: you mean –gasp– without a computer?
Assmitten: No, I mean not in the same room, right next to each other. DUH.
BustA: wait a minute, you mean you’ll be here spanking your monkey and I’ll be in a room full of people getting hella horny thinking about you spanking your monkey?
Assmitten: Yep, BRB. I gotta make some toast.
I didn’t know KoL could be so drrrty. Kinda makes me wanna play again.
ZOMG LAWL! Teh best pr0n ev0r!
(Man, I stopped playing my Disco Bandit cause I couldn’t ascend. Mebbe I plays again now. RAWK)
I happened upon your blog by chance and fell in love with you. And your children. I’ve gone back and read about The Other and your current Companion. That was absolutely horrible. I’m glad you got over all that happened. I just wanted to say good for you and I plan on reading until I die.. Or you stop posting… Whichever happens first.