$30 Dollars In My Pocket, and Stupid Crap Tears on My Face


My biggie baby in January.

Today I used the very active and popular Seattle-flavor craigslist to unload some baby furniture that has been responsible for a displeasing amount of shin-barkage and dust-collection. I posted the pieces at 2:30, and the furniture was claimed by 5:30. That’s great service, man.

My companion carried the jumparoo down to the car of the lady who wanted it. Strudel can no longer be contained in it–she prefers to do her jumping on the couch or in her crib now, and she crawls fast enough to follow me all over the house. If the jumparoo’s so useless, why was I so sad to see him carrying it out the door? GODDAM hormones making me weepy over stupid piece of plastic crap.


My littley baby in August.

When you have to start selling their little baby jails, you know it means they’re getting big enough to run away from you. At least I have my companion hobbled…by lust delicious home cooking.

8 thoughts on “$30 Dollars In My Pocket, and Stupid Crap Tears on My Face

  1. Well, they are people. People who constantly bonk their heads and eat lint off the floor and stick crayons in the cat’s butt. Psychotic, not very bright little people.

  2. this is precisely why as much as we have craploads of babystuff that long ago became useless, i can’t rid myself of it. i mean, like, her cute little baby-sized onesies and stuff? her baby toys? gah. my heart gets all swelly-bursty feeling just thinking of it.

  3. Wow, I kinda forgot how adorably chubby and wee Strudel was a few months ago. And now she’s already turning into a little kid–it’s awesome! By the time I see her next, she’ll have changed again.

  4. We called them baby jails, too. Our whole house is a baby jail with the gates and all so I comfort myself with her continuing confinement. But I can’t give a damn thing away! (Telling myself there’s another one on the way. Like, in a few years. And I hate to shop.)

  5. It’s a banner day around our house when lint is the only thing my daughter eats off the floor.

    As for the baby paraphenalia she’s outgrown, I’m with ozma. I can’t stand to give it away, so it’s just sitting there in the basement collecting dust until baby #2 comes along. Whenever the hell that happens.

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