Just want to leave you with the image of me, walking around with my pink leopard robe open, blowing my nose on a dish towel. I have a scratch on my butt and I don’t know how it got there. Everyone is sick; no survivors. Things will be better tomorrow.
is rocking my ass right now. The Super Mario music on a marimba and drums. I swear I teared up when they played the invincibility music.

PS Now I am blowing my nose on one of our nice dinner napkins.

6 thoughts on “

  1. Haha, sounds like my house, except we dont all get sick at once.. It passes from person to person… Like one neverending circle of illness. It sucks indeed. Hope you all get to feeling better.

  2. Get well.

    Also check out The Advantage. They’re a band that does Nintendo music purely with guitar and drums. No synths. And they’re even better than the mid-90’s video game music cover band Minibosses.

    and man I’m a total geek. How in the hell do I know so may 8-bit cover bands?

  3. I got teary too (everyone excitedly sharing that moment of nostalgia… who wouldn’t?). I love how the camera bounces a little from excitement and what a great chaotic live moment that is at the end.

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