Please Excuse SJ, She Was Unwell Today

OOH LA LA, was it a day.

Conclusion: my wallet was indeed stolen. Someone wiggled into my sunroof and fished around until they found it, as I was at least intelligent enough to put it out of sight. But then Mr. Husband left the sunroof open, and that did me in. I know, I know, DON’T leave your wallet in the car. But I did, for I am a jackass, and now I pay (but not with my debit card, because I cancelled it right away).

Also today, the one reading out of six that I choose not to do over the weekend is the one that my professor assigns for small group discussion.

Small Group Discussion: noun. 1. A gathering in which a small group of people (usu. 3-5) meet to discuss a particular matter, often in an academic setting. 2. Three viscious sharks that merely LOOK like future librarians surround SJ and repeatedly ask for her opinion on said reading, which causes her to reply, “I agree with you completely. Um-hmm. Yep.” Rather than being drawn towards blood, these Sharkbrarians are drawn by the cold sweat of inadaquacy.

(See definition #2)

In fact, I couldn’t really think at all today, so even if I had done the key reading I’d be in bad shape. Damn you PMS! Why must I turn into the wild, three-eyed FUCKMONSTER once a month?

Other conclusion: Academia: 1; SJ: 0.

In Other News

Librarian Zen Koan of the Day: “If a patron has a need for source that doesn’t exist, IS IT STILL A NEED?”

Ooh, that one’s going to keep me up tonight.

7 thoughts on “Please Excuse SJ, She Was Unwell Today

  1. No…wait…I changed my answer zen master…It is: a thousand pounds of flax!

    Am I enlightened yet?

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