Snakes on a Motherfucking BlogHer! Part Three

I have been tired and busy and there seem to be children around here who want to be fed or something, so I am dragging this out, I know. I swear this is my last post on BlogHer. Unless it’s not. CHORTLE CHORTLE. If you are tired of this (I know I am) then I suggest you go watch this crazy person beating Super Mario Brothers 3 in 11 minutes! Rad! (via Daniel) I love what this You Tube commenter said about the video: “COOOOOOLLL!!!! No offence, but I saw another person beat this game in 10:35.” You just can’t please some people (present company included).

Hey, that’s a great segue.

Tha Dark Side

Anywayz, now I must talk about the DARK SIDE of BlogHer: sponsorship. Dun dun dun. Ed Champion told me in person in San Francisco (yay!) that he would bust me so hard if I didn’t write about this, so I bow to his clout.

At the beginning of the conference, we were given swag bags. The swag bags were full of three types of things: 1) Ads from other bloggers. Mmm, okay. Some bloggers like to rock it that way. That’s cool. 2) Reasonable stuff that I would actually use. Case in point: Saturn provided me with a magic stick (jump drive). Awesome. I have been wanting one of those FOR EVER. 3) LADY swag. BOO!

What do I mean by lady swag?

First, W3ight Watch3rz Online was there, giving us food…that did not taste like food. I know WW has worked for some of my friends and that’s great, but I wish there would have been a snack alternative to the diet food. Like…I don’t know, fresh fruit? Yogurt not made with aspartame? I heard about three people declare that the granola or whatever tasted like cardboard.

Second, there was some kind of diet-support water there, called C0ntr3x. A blurb from the website: “Cxxx Natural Mineral Water helps replenish your body with nutrients that may be lost while dieting, like calcium.” Because you are dieting all the time, yes, fatty? I heard innumerable women redub this stuff “Ass Water.” I didn’t try it, and was pretty irritated that in eighty-five degree weather my choice was to go into the hotel and drop a dolla sixty-five for a bottle of filtered water, have iced tap water from a pitcher at the back of the panel sessions, or I could have as much Ass Water as I could hold. That’s kind of backhanded for the men who were there, too. “Here, Man, have some Lady Water. Fatty.”

Third, there was also a “natural” artificial sweetner in the swag bag, containing an ingredient that I had never heard of, and one which I’m pretty sure doesn’t actually occur in nature.

Finally, there were Lady condoms in the bag, a new marketing effort by Tr0j4n. Condoms are great! They meet all my internal heroin transport needs! I like the fact that these Lady Condoms have water-based lube, rather than that heats-when-ya-blow-on-it stuff, or spermicide. Rad. But I think they went a little too far in putting a rep from Tr0j4n on the “Let’s Talk About Sex” panel. The representative was nice (faint praise, I know) and I’ve got nothing against her per se; I think it’s great that she’s a sex educator. It’s just that she didn’t have that much to say. The rep paled in comparision to her fellow panel members, who were Susie Bright, Melissa Gira, and Halley Suitt, for fuck’s sake. I squirmed to watch a company rep up there with those women.

I heard other women say that they felt that all of BlogHer was targeted towards straight women. I didn’t see any evidence of this (possibly because of how I identify), other than some of the heinous sponsorship. I liked the fact that many of the panels were broad enough (Identity and Obligations, Let’s Talk About Sex) that anyone could stand up and say “I’m a lesbian, and…” or “I’m a dog blogger, and…” and they could stand up and share their experiences. Probably one of the more focused ones was the mommyblogging session, which was Mommyblogging, and not “Parentblogging” or “Mommyblogging or…Not.” I don’t know, though, because I didn’t go to that one.

So this whole thing bugged. There was a lot that BlogHer did right, but some sponsors were telling me I am fat and defective. So after all this complaining, what would mollify my fat self? Probably to stick with the more general sponsors that are not about creating insecurity which can lead to a financial investment in self-improvement. Yahoo! (what? tech-related? krazy) was there, and they gave us little notebooks, which I found handy.


One of my favorite moments was in the morning on Saturday. The breakout discussions were about to start, and I had signed up for mine. I was sitting by the pool, nursing a well vodka hangover, when a woman approached me and sat down at my table. We introduced ourselves and chatted a little bit. I could tell she was a somewhat serious and thoughtful person, who ran a website about Real Issues. I felt like a lightweight (albeit a proud one) all weekend when I ran into women like this.

I asked her which session she was going to, and she mentioned she was going to the body image (I think) session. She asked me about mine and I said I was eagerly looking forward to the gossip blogger session. I have to give her snaps for not running away at that moment. She stayed and talked to me, and we began a discussion about the proanorexia groups online, and the Venn junction of body image, celebrities, and the popular media. This happened to me more than once, but this was one of the nicest conversations I had with what I consider a “heavyweight.”

So, Laurie, it was nice to meet you. I liked hearing about your work, your website, and your daughters. I’m glad I missed my session because of meeting you.

Laurie and her partner Debbie, who I also met briefly, wrote about the sponsorship issue as well.

To be honest, the best part of the conference was meeting Lauren from feministe. We didn’t know of each other beforehand, which is kind of a shame. She said I was the person she would most like to know in “meatspace,” and man, right back atcha, Lauren. I felt like if we would have spent ten more minutes together we would have been hive mind. My heart broke for her when she described giving up her first personal website because her babydaddy dragged it into court. Persecuted for having a beer, a boyfriend, a life. Man, I feel that. Until I can talk her into, I don’t know, enrolling in school here, I will keep reading her.

The End!

Conclusion for the haters: YES, it was worth it to buy some friends. Hee.

23 thoughts on “Snakes on a Motherfucking BlogHer! Part Three

  1. Are you going to post this series to BlogHer? There’s a channel for BlogHer06 especially for these kinds of posts. While I hope people come here to read them, I think people outside your readership would really appreciate your take.

  2. Oh, um, which channel is that?

    This is just like grad school all over again. “Halo! What’s happening?”

  3. I liked Logan Levk0ff’s sex panel story about going at it with the pro-abstinence twits: “Abstinence, unless used perfectly, also has a failure rate,” or sommat like that.

    Lauren B was amazing beyond belief. Apologies if I jumped all over those missing shared ten minutes.

    I never opened my BlogHer bag. It’s still in the back of my car.

  4. Also, I forgot to say that I enjoyed reading your version of the Dark Side because it’s so reasonable. Reasonable and funny as hell. I can always trust you to enjoy yourself and offer sane critique at the same time.

  5. great, now i have to come up with another post. your schwag bag product review was much better than mine. :) Give me a call next time you’re near San Francisco–I think we can get you some real vodka.

  6. Man, that ass water was SICK. And I ended up drinking a lot of it before I found those pitchers in the back of the room. Duh!

  7. was not there, but living vicariously through many of my favorite bloggers–very, very interesting post, and indicative of something maybe a bit more insidious and pervasive. For instance, i love sweetney and amalah and others on ClubMom, but the fact that swiffer won’t let ’em swear chaps my ass somewhat–on the other hand, it’s swiffer that gets ’em paid (or whoever).

    dilemma time. how do we get the sponsorship with the ideological baggage? possible?

  8. Yeah, the sponsor thing. I know it’s necessary, but some of them really would have offended me if *I* was a woman. The “Be Jane” gals, for instance. Ugh, I thought they were going to break out their pom poms or something. “Look at us! We know what hammers look like! Woo hoo! And we can show you how to blog!” Gee, thanks…just about every person in the room already had a blog.

    Wish I’d talked to you. I saw you a few times but never made it over to say hello. So many people, so little time. I’m not a “heavy hitter,” either. Heh.

  9. Hey Karl! I know. The Be Jane womens were making my hangover worse so I walked.

    Word on the blog thing. I thought Windows Live Spaces were wasthing their time, too. It’s like the movies when they show commercials in the beginning. You can’t sell me a Coke, because I already smuggled in a fotie. Duh.

  10. Just dropping in to say that these are the best BlogHer wrap-up post titles, hands down.

    So glad you spoke up at the Identity session, because I’ve been engaged in a personal “I, Asshole” lovefest ever since. Thanks!

  11. I second ae! Just catching up this weekend after finally posting video of the event. If only I’d taken more “I hate my Comtrex diet/laxative/herpes medication/birth control water” footage. We dubbed it, “Comtrex – Slims women and shit.” And yes, I know I’m not even spelling it right. Gross.

    Love your site. Exactly what ae said – glad you spoke up when you did. Crazy product reps…

  12. What say we get microsoft to hire some body builders for the next conference.

    “Ugh. Me name Zog. Me use man-puter.” *muscle pose*

  13. Hey SJ – Meeting you and doing the schwag-bag inventory w/ badger and minnie stands as my favorite blogHer moment. It was great to meet you!

  14. the beverage you speak of has been dubbed “ass water”. I hated it. I think the name might explain the why.

    Also, what the hell with the fake sugar?
    A whole box, too? that is a lot of committemtn for fake sugar.

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