Ask Brian Warner!


Dear Mr. Manson,

I want to not be a poseur, and live like every day is Halloween, but my family and I are struggling with it. Plus, my toddler whines when I leave her in her boned corset all day. And now my husband is talking about switching to “goth weekends” only. What should I do?

Worship Him,

Cake and Mommery

Dear CAM,

Halloween is a night for amateurs. I dress up and feel dark and moody all year, so I never wear a costume on Halloween. I never go out that night. I just stay in and wait for all the poseurs to go home.*

Fuck off,


* Quoted from People, 11/6/06

I loves this nutter.

6 thoughts on “Ask Brian Warner!

  1. Ha! The missus and a friend were going out last night after dinner and were putting on their lipstick. Mini (2.8yo) decided to emulate by smeering ketchup all around her yaptrap and declaring herself a lady. When shown the above photo, she claimed, “That’s not me!” I remain unconvinced.

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