Day 4: The State of the Peen-O-Meter is on Fire!

Well, the ability to enter the “writing” contest closes tomorrow at midnight EST, so my tireless campaigning is about to come to an end. As we can see by the extremely scientific meter below (it’s okay, I’m an information professional) I am now up to 58 VOTES as of 8:30am PST! I am interested to see how high it will go.


Thanks to everyone who voted yesterday, and for the days before that! I really appreciate the things you said, and I look forward to the opportunity to display my full moon over my hammy. I am amazed and gratified by how people who read this car crash have come through for me. Thanks!


6 thoughts on “Day 4: The State of the Peen-O-Meter is on Fire!

  1. YAY! Bursting peen-o-meter best thing ever! I can hardly wait to see the photos of your bruised ass! :)

  2. i’m kinda shy to see your butt, but more curioser to see if you really do it. i hope you do, i guess. i like you, asshole. so i’m presuming i’ll like your buttcheeks. heh, heh.

  3. I finally voted! YAY! Sorry, I was waiting for the stupid confirmation thingy to be sent to msn, but since my email sucks butt, I redid it and had it sent to gmail and POOF! Thar ’twas! So woohoo for SJ! Lets send this jerk to blogher!

  4. I went to go compare you to the other chix and saw my vote’s not there. They done stole the votes! I demand a recount.

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