7 thoughts on “I Shall Use Her Toe to Scribble Upon My Easter Eggs

  1. Ah, I was all excited that there’d be some Martha-esqe Easter Egg pr0n. If you show me your eggs, I’ll show you mine…oh wait, now I feel all dirty :)

  2. It’s official, nude hose look like crap on EVERYONE.
    2/3 of her says ‘sexy’ 1/3 says ‘grandma.’

  3. Your title is fabulous.

    Amazing. She looks exactly like what I think in my head when I hear the word “ho-ah.”

  4. 2/3 of her says ‘sexy’

    I’m sorry, is the upper half of her body covered in little mouths that are saying “sexy”? Because otherwise I simply can’t imagine what you’re talking about. The top 2/3 of her looks like a blow-up BJ doll. I guess someone might find those things sexy but I’ve always chosen to believe they’re a fall-back for men who can’t find or afford a warm place to keep their penises.

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