Invisible Asshole Is Invisible

YEAH that’s cute with the squintyface.

I’m tired as HALE and I got my crazy face on (as usual). There are rough jumps because I am not ready to let you talk to my other personalities yet.

props to Rich for making me feel brave enough to try this.

25 thoughts on “Invisible Asshole Is Invisible

  1. yao babe. my kid stayed home today too. for NO GOOD REASON other than she was sleeping at school drop off time and i didnt feel like getting her a tardy slip.
    mine doesn’t cure cancer tho on weds – so she is sure to fall behind today.

  2. Amen to not caring if they make school on time. Sometimes, they are just TIRED and sometimes, they need a break too. Most of the time they wake up without an alarm clock, get ready, and are at the bus stop at the appointed moment. But if I think if they’re body isn’t getting them up, they need the sleep.

    And my 12 and 13 year old go to bed at 8pm most nights.

    I’m interested in the prown/brink experiment. I’ve got a pink “headband” and have been thinking of going very dark brown for a bit, before delving into something else…but eh, that idea my crumble in my head by tomorrow.

    Thanks for sharing, is my very long annoying point.

  3. doritos and a cosmo, *snort*

    we all slept in this morning, though there’s no school to potentially feel guilty about missing.

  4. Yeah, my kids slept in too. I woke ’em up at 7:00, and like the champeen parent that I am, I went back to bed to snooze for thirty minutes. I got up, went back into their room – what’s this? They copied me. We were just exACTly thirty minutes late for school.
    I fail at parenting today.
    Also, your prown hair is bretty.

  5. Vlog! So cute.

    I told you last night how daylight savings was teh evil. We had trouble stumbling out of bed this morning, let me tell you. Convo on the way to school:

    Feckless to the spawn: What do you call those bags under your eyes?
    Spawn: Bruce.

  6. The notations are hilarious.
    I thought cosmo’s were the drink of choice for old ladies, but then again, what do I know. Where I come from booze comes in three flavors: beer, whiskey, and girlie drinks.
    happy monday.

  7. I think if vom looked as good on my head as it does on yours I would track down that sorority sister and make hurl noises at her til she made me pretty.

    I hauled my kid out of bed and told him he was not either sick and sent him to school. He threw up all over himself and some other kids. I’m now returning to my originally scheduled thinking, which is: better to let them stay home and be wrong than vice versa.

    This comment was brought to you by the theme of puke.

  8. OKAY WTFBBQ, more then half of the pics I’ve seen of people 1st thing in the morning look GOOD! squinty schminty. me and my Medusa hair are NOT so brave.

  9. This reminds me . . . are you still audioblogging? *going to check*

    Also, when was the last installment of “PNW’d”?

    *okay, now REALLY going to check*

  10. Our organization is changing and evolving with the times. No, I dunno. I am not doing either much. I should get back to audioblogging, I really enjoyed it.

  11. Random insight:

    I just watched part of this at work with the volume turned all the way down. If I’d never heard you speak in person, just based on the image of you speaking, I would assume your voice was much huskier than it actually is. Like maybe halfway between your actual voice, and Janice from the Muppet Show.

    That is all.

  12. Yes, I too pictured much huskier voice, strangely with some kind of Brooklyn/Mobster accent??? This coming from a Texan, I know, odd. Love hair, leave it alone. Hate you for having perfect teeth.

  13. Oh, and I forgot to say! Your hair in the video is just about the exact shade of my hair when I was dyeing it burgundy. I miss my burgundy hair.

  14. It’s YOU! I heard you off camera once. That was charming. I hope you will do it again. The hair is gigorgeous.

    (From below: It doesn’t matter what happens because they have drugs for this now.

    Ha ha ha ha ha.

    What are these drugs and where can I get some?)

  15. I vote for more SJ vlogs.

    My eyes sometimes get too tired to read and I find moving picture able to capture my attention better.

    Plus, yer perty.

  16. Rawk! I love it. Vlogging suits you, but really, I think you AND your other personalities should have a primetime talk show.

  17. THAT was the best thing I have ever seen. EVAR. “She cures cancer on Wednesdays so…” Seriously, I peed a little.

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