My Stalker Has Not Killed Me Yet

Hi, I’ve got this virus. I can hardly swallow and am losing my voice. Also I am weirdly sleeping about 12 hours a night. I aen’t ded. I hope you don’t have it. Take your vitamins!


A Person Who Wishes She Were Dead

UPDATE! 3/30/08: So, I am coming out of it. I can swallow/think/move! Talked to a doctor, who said that ten days is about par for the course for viruses like this. UGH. It’s not strep, because there were full on cold symptoms, etc. It was virus-stylee.

Survived with: Theraflu, this gargle, comics from the library, sake, limoncello, and lots of Advil. Dood, that was bad news bears. I even had to beg off on writing for Blogher for the week.

I have to confess, though, the naps were pretty sweet. Until I woke up again. Hur.

Back tomorrow! The sad news is that I am plunged back into my auction works immediately.

16 thoughts on “My Stalker Has Not Killed Me Yet

  1. I had been wondering where you were. Glad you’re not dead, sorry you’re sick. Hope you feel better soon.

  2. Oh, I hope it’s not the same sick that we all got at the beach for my birthday! Man, it was ROUGH. I slept like 18 hours a day for maybe 2 weeks. Some people with the sick ended up in the hospital. The cough was so bad it made me dizzy….
    Fun birthday trip with a terrible side effect! At least everyone will remember it as “the trip we all got sick” (hah.)

  3. OMG I was sick 2 weeks ago and I wished I was dead. But I got better :D and I am happy I am not dead after all , LOL.

    Hope you get well soon.

  4. Aw, feel better soon! I took a ridiculous 5-hour nap today, and I hope it was helping me fight off some sort of sickness, and not just indulging my super laziness.

  5. Strep did some bad things to me!!! You need antibiotics now.

    And sleep.

    I drank cayenne tea. Just hot water and cayenne. It’s my favorite sickness remedy. But not for everyone, I realize. Try it and see how it makes you feel, though.

  6. I hope that you are better, and that it is not strep…because strep sucks!!

    You need a can of chicken soup, and a shot of whiskey. That is what grandma gave us to feel better.

    Maybe that is why we are all winos!! LOL

  7. LOL, ain’t it funny how we all have sound advice to lend? Here’s mine: sleep, then wake to indulge yourself with whatevs suits you and which you crave. Hell, you feel like crap, then you feel disjointed and muddle-headed, then you feel stretchy and stretched and bored, then you feel back. No matter what you do or don’t do. May you cycle through and get yourself back in good time, dearie.

  8. If I might offer a tiny suggestion, next time you’re deathly ill and contemplating tearing out your own throat with a gardening tool, try bourbon. Seriously, it cures what ails ya, and your naps will be oh so much sweeter.

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