Good Day, Sir

Tonight I was at Le Fred after being overcharged for some wee rain boots. As we were in line, we were considering buying their entire stock of Hannah Montana posters as an alternative to painting the office.

“Only if she’s half-naked, like on her myspace,” I said.

The customer service clerk took exception to this. He was somewhere between twenty and twenty-five, and obviously In Charge of the Internet, possibly even a Keyboard Gangster.

“No wai,” he said. “Those things are photoshopped all the time. You can’t believe that stuff. They make fake pages all the time. I mean, Albert Einstein and Sartre has a myspace,” he concluded, kindly educating the oldsters who stood before him.

I waited until he finished our transaction to hiss to P., “I have seen many shops in my day, and I know those are not shops.”

“Yeah, it was on the news and everything.”

“I KNOW, RITE. Now who’s the lamezor noob?”


One thought on “Good Day, Sir

  1. I love it when some pipsqueak tries to learn me ’bout Teh Intarweebz, given that I’ve been online longer than some have been alive, even if only via a BBS in the beginning, and am an Interactive Design ( Das Weebz!) major in grad school.

    It does my heart good.

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