The Flesh of the Son of Man…Now Extra-Spicy!

UltimateBadassss9: Sup, SJ.
SuperJive: Hey who is this? I don’t have my gchat on.
UltimateBadassss9: I know you don’t have it on.
SuperJive: Is this spam? I don’t want porn.
UltimateBadassss9: lol. This is God speaking.
SuperJive: STFU
UltimateBadassss9: And don’t be ridiculous. Everyone wants porn.
SuperJive: Well, I don’t want porn RIGHT NOW. What do you want?
UltimateBadassss9: No, seriously. Look at my user name. And I logged you in myself.
SuperJive: Why are you IMing me?
UltimateBadassss9: If I burn a bush, then someone immediately whips out their cel and calls the FD.
SuperJive: Okay, fair enough. What do you want to chat about, “God?”
UltimateBadassss9: Don’t think I’m not detecting sarcasm here. I thought you might like to chat for a while. It seems like you have a lot on your mind lately.
SuperJive: That’s true. I was at the bank the other day and CNN was on and the screen said something about nuking Iran. I think that’s a super bad idea, don’t you.
UltimateBadassss9: I don’t know. I don’t really make judgments about stuff like that.
SuperJive: What happened to “thou shalt not kill?”
UltimateBadassss9: That wasn’t me, that was Charlton Heston.
SuperJive: Oh, snap, good one, god. lol
UltimateBadassss9: Are you sucking up to God?
SuperJive: No, sir.
UltimateBadassss9: Ha ha, J/K.
SuperJive: You suck.
SuperJive: Hey speaking of, did you hear that Gwyneth Paltrow just named her baby “Moses?”
UltimateBadassss9: Yes, I did. What happened to Banana?
SuperJive: Since you would know if I’m humoring you, I’m just going to come out and say that joke is very 2005.
UltimateBadassss9: Okay. lol
SuperJive: Anyway, if we bomb Iran, and China bombs us, and everyone else gets in on it, you’re going to have a lot fewer believers. As an abstract concept, it’s people’s faith that keeps you “alive.” Do you care about that?
UltimateBadassss9: Well, I can counter that argument by saying that historically, in times of turmoil, people are more fervent in their beliefs.
SuperJive: So one black plague-infested peasant is worth three twenty-first century disease-free Westerners?
UltimateBadassss9: Realistically, maybe four.
SuperJive: Wow
UltimateBadassss9: And you have to remember that no matter what happens, I will just transform into whatever people need me to be. I’ve been a dude for a long time, but I started in human consciousness as a female, the literal giver of life. I’ve been splintered into many gods with cat heads or fins or have been just the sun.
SuperJive: SO if we all nuke ourselves and turn into zombies, you’ll get blue flesh.
UltimateBadassss9: Well, I don’t think that’s very likely.
SuperJive: You can take loaves and fishes and turn them into BRAAAINS
UltimateBadassss9: This is why I don’t talk to people from your century very often.
Suddenly transubstantiation will become a lot more literal. “Eat of my delicious, delicious flesh….”
*UltimateBadassss9 has logged off at 10:46 am*
SuperJive: God? Come back!
SuperJive: I didn’t get my three wishes!
SuperJive: Dammit.

13 thoughts on “The Flesh of the Son of Man…Now Extra-Spicy!

  1. This one is my favorite post since the cat said “Mrow” and threw the phone in PNW’ed. “Flinged!” He he he. Or maybe since the cat was wearing the tighty whities and the ‘hell’a paid’ t-shirt. Love that feline.

  2. “SuperJive: SO if we all nuke ourselves and turn into zombies, you’ll get blue flesh.”

    Then he will express Krishna consciousness. Or maybe Kali.

  3. At the zoo’s egg madness this morning, we passed your family. Wow, you people really do exist! Terrifying.

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