“Ah think some people are ahead of us.”

Now I am just waiting for Britney Spears to start wearing Kleenex boxes on her hands. She’s debating the possibility of time travel with her husband, Malibu Federline. It’s like watching ponies try to knit, and they just can’t. Oh, lookit the ponies. They want to make the ponchos so badly.

Thanks to MQ for the link to this video. I knew it existed a few days ago, but I just wasn’t ready for it. MQ says “grrl trippin’.” HEE.

I can’t believe I am doing this, but I have to defend this behavior a little. I have had nights, especially when I was younger and freakier, where I was kind of ornery and random and ADD-led like this. There was usually beer involved, but sometimes it was just Lik-M-Aid.

6 thoughts on ““Ah think some people are ahead of us.”

  1. Yeah, I watched it a couple of days ago, and I just thought she was drunk. I mean, I act that stupid when I’m drunk! Esp. a few years ago when I was a bit younger (and this video was obviously pre-baby).

  2. Naw, man, there was something not just drunk about her in that video. She was, like, all paranoid and shit. F’ed up, even by Britney standards.

  3. It’s just… why was it being videotaped? And how did that get released? I’ve done dumb stuff but I don’t distribute it.

  4. LikMAid was one of my favorite candies growing up, and no one ever believes me that such a thing exists to this very day. “Wot? Candy you eat with a stick of candy? Insanity, woman!”

    Good to know there are others out there.

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