Can’t Stop Poking….

Here is a website that has completely photochopped a young girl until she looks one of those cover girl doll people. I always enjoy websites like this that make the point about how artificial mass media images can be. It’s kind of sad, too, because if you look at the “before” picture, she looks like a normal girl you would see on the street. But if you click back and forth a few times, her real face became a little repulsive to me, because it was up against a “perfect” image.

I have been thinking about this issue a lot lately. Were celebrities prettier before photoshop? Did only the most photogenic people rise to the top? Are they taking anyone now, with the knowledge that they can fix their face on a computer and fix their voice in the mixing? The current paradigm seems somehow falser to me now that the old way of attempting to present celebrities as perfect saints who never get a divorce or hooked on drugs.

On a related note, I read somewhere on the website that the model for this is 14. She is surrounded by titles that say things like “sex bombshell” and “undress me.” Like I said, I like these movements to show what photoshop does, and I understand that they’re parodying mags like Cosmo, but that squicks me out a little even the same.

Oh I am a relentless critic today.

10 thoughts on “Can’t Stop Poking….

  1. “Were celebrities prettier before photoshop?”

    But before PhotoShop, there was airbrushing, good lighting, and professional cameras. (In other words, we’ve never seen what celebrities really look like.)

  2. Thank you for that link! Remarkable.

    Regarding your last point, I wonder if you saw the LA Times article about Joe Francis (of Girls Gone Wild fame).

  3. Unfreakingbelievable. I knew there was a lot of airbrushing and photoshop action happening, but that’s insane. Just saw an unphotoshopped closeup of Britney Spears yesterday…the before and after. Wow.

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