So We’ve Reached The Lipnicki Stage, I See.

This morning I was making some special cornmeal pancakes to give Franny a proper send off to Babydaddyport.

“I am really sad, I mean supersad that I have to go back to my dad’s today. I wish I could stay with you for one million years.”

“Yeah, honey, I’m really….”

“DID YOU KNOW, that astronauts in space have to DRINK their own PEE? I mean, they filter it, and they say it’s not yellow anymore, but you would KNOW you were drinking pee.”

“Yeah, I think I’ve….”

“I feel like I’m going to cry. And then I feel SO HAPPY again,” she said.

“I know.”

“Do you like making people laugh, Mom? You do, right? I can tell.”

“Yes. It’s my favorite thing.”

“Hmm,” she said.


“Oh, I was thinking something, but now I’m just watching Strudel fuck up the wall with her rocker.”

I love this fucking kid. If she was a snack, I would eat all of her without sharing.

In Other News

You need, if you haven’t already, to go see LOL80s. I never get tired of “Let me show you them.” via LaurieWrites. TY Laurie! ILU LOL80s! In related news, I found What’s Up He-Man by accident. I forgot how fugily that Adam was, but the girl who got et by a falcon, I’d totally hit that.

Finally, in tragic news yesterday I was too stupid to write words. In fact, I went to the website of a writer I admire and pooped up her comments by typing “next store” instead of “next door.” Jesus fuck, apparently English is now my second language. Nothing impresses people more than writing phonetically. I don’t need your rules! I’m a kreative individual!

So the writing dumbth led me to express my creativity in other ways, namely through an Homage to Zarf. I loves that Zarf. He hath changeth my life. (See previous entry for original.) I will only inflict a couple of seconds of it on you. It was fun to make and it turns out my kid is an ace camera wielder.

You know it’s an I, Asshole production because I misspelled the word “wine” in the credits. I think I was copying and pasting shit around too fast, as usual.

And Now, I Shall Dump All the Other Pics that I Didn’t Know What To Do With.

OH! I can just see them milking all the little dogs in the back! SQUEEK SQUEEK SQUEEK!

Four drink tickets remain….EPIC FAIL, BOOZY.

Here is the syntax breakdown I had in an SEO talk on Sunday at the unconference. It made sense to me; Shauna had to point it out. Whups.


The sign on the shuttle that was taking us from the hotel to the convention center. Gosh, I feel so welcome. FNIF.

Hott bizzies hella waitin for they ride. It’s me and Wendy, yo.

Goodbye Chicago!

11 thoughts on “So We’ve Reached The Lipnicki Stage, I See.

  1. AUGHHH so tough. When I have the kids around, I am bugged (some) and when they’re gone I am bugged! FAIL

  2. I loved that you took a picture of my desktop. ILY LOL80s indeed, friend. The liveblogging of “Rock of Love” shall commence…thusly, or something.

    Also, I either took a photo of that “corporate experience” sign or thought I did. I’ve lost my tiny little mind. Must finish uploading!

  3. PS: Michael Jackson with Emmanuel Lewis: “HALP” Haha!

    Okay, I am really going to go do something constructive now. Like come up with Duran Duran and Poison macros: “Mah REFLEXES. Let me show you them.” Oh NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSSS.

  4. LOL80s is killing me!!! Oh, man. So many good ones. Where to start? I think my favorite may be Manilla Vanilla.

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