What’s going down in Chookie Town?

A lot, as it turns out. My cool friend Manuel came over the other day and snapped some shots. I will link them.

Baby chicks in the broody box. The one on the left will lay blue or green eggs when she grows up, because she’s an Aracauna (Easter Egg Hen). They should be ready for the outdoors in five weeks.

The chickens’ beloved abode, Chook’s Respite. I built it myself! Last spring! Me modern woman with hammer! Me bend many nails. Mr. Husband say: “You waste my supplies! Grr!”

Phoebe in her boudoir. Lay faster, dammit! Phoebe is a Silkie and broods a lot. Worthless. Sitting on eggs that will never hatch, for we have no rooster.

This is a Silkie/Aracauna mutt. She is very skittish but we managed to catch her. She lays eggs that are the color of light jade. You may also note that I am wearing a black bra under my thin shirt. I am a walking faux pas!

Chooks flee as Frannie pops some corn.

Thanks, Manuel!

15 thoughts on “What’s going down in Chookie Town?

  1. i can’t imagine being responsible for chickens. i barely have enough energy to shave let alone feed the chickies.

    then again, i live in a beach house with no back yard, no front yard, and no dirt to be found anywhere. so i guess chickens really aren’t a big part of my life anyway.

  2. Nice. And look how big Fen’s gotten!

    Also that chicken you’re (?) holding looks hella freaked out, by the eyes. Not everyone might notice.

  3. No problem, SJ!

    If SJ becomes a pushy stage mother and Franny goes the way of Mary Kate and Ashley Olson, all hope will be lost and I will commit suicide by eating piles of unrefrigerated sushi.

  4. oh my! your daughter is such a cutie! And I never imagined chickens could be so pretty either. That one you are holding is so colorful! Now I want chicks.

  5. Never did like chickens. Months of chasing them in the wee hours of the morning to get them off the roofs of the dog houses. (Should that be ‘rooves?’)

    I had a budgie once. She hated me … loved my dog. I think my dog has a much better personality anyway.

  6. Such well-cared for poultry. When I think of my grandma’s crap-spattered henhouse I feel ashamed. It was pretty stinky…but they seemed happy. They had a rooster, anyway. He was psycho but you know how chickens are!

    And yes Franny is a looker but she’s too cool for the WB.

  7. ‘Round this town they are incredibly common, actually.

    Miel: If someone WB knocked on my door today, I would totally pimp her out in a minute. I mean, college, right? Hee hee hee.

  8. The Warner Brothers? I understand there’s like a TV channel and global conglomerate now. Not just second rate cartoons.

    Could just be talking out of my ass again, too.

    CHICKENS!! chook chook! I loves chickens. Nice work on the chooken house. cool.

  9. Frenchie is sooo cute, just like I imagined her!… That is, if y’all turned out to be white folks. ;) Wahh – I want green n’ blue eggs too!

  10. baby cheeeeeeekens! I want to sqeeze them til they squeak, they’re so cute!

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