Your Frankly Vulgar Red Pullover

Me: So, some people from grad school came into the store the other day, and they were all “OMG, what are you doing here?”
X: Yeah?
Me: Yeah, and I was like, “Working. Trying to get a professional contract.”
X: How was that?
Me: Weird. And then they sort of decided not to stay in the store at all and backed away and out slowly, with their eyes all wide. It felt bad. I’m just working.
X: Maybe they were thinking about how they could end up.

END UP! Have I “ended up”? Is it over? Does anyone, personally, think that they’ve ended up? Even if you use that term, you usually mean it like, “Now I am catching you up on the story of how I ended up working HR at a bank, ZZZ.”

My BFF has my back, though, about one of the women who were big-eying and backing away.

K: Wasn’t she phD FAIL and flailing for a good time there?
me: Yes, she got in and quit I think.
K: I rest my case.
me: Roffle
You have my back.
K: And I will cut a bitch.
me: Thanks
K: Don’t let the mean girls get you down.
me: I don’t think it needs to be awkward. I mean, I am prepared to run into people I know. It just felt like a scene out of Dickens all the sudden or something.
K: hee
me: People gotta work dude
K: Okay, I have a tiny cold and you made me snort snot down my face.
me: Master’s degree is not magic.

I know someday I’ll look back at this time, and I’ll say, A. if only I could have tricked someone into have sex with me and then to go home immediately after and B. why did I think that sweater looked good on me??

47 thoughts on “Your Frankly Vulgar Red Pullover

  1. Dumb ol’ peeps. There are plenty of MLIS grads working in retail I think. Or in REALLY part time jobs that are barely in their field. There should be no backing away or wide eyes, just folks working where they fall.

    And soon you will fall up ;)

  2. That steams me up like a little tea pot. Both the “ended up” part and the big-eyed backaway part. I’ve had in-between jobs from exterior house painter to cocktail waitress to nanny to whatever-it-takes. And still, assmittens walk amongst us.

  3. I totally feel you. I have a masters degree from a somewhat prestigious university in the area (or so they say) and I am SO not using it at all. I’m an low level administrative assistant making crap for pay. BUT…I don’t hate my job- so I consider that a non-FAIL. I don’t LOVE my job, but I don’t HATE it, so I think as far as jobs go- that’s a win. And a chick’s gotta eat and pay rent.

    For awhile, I worked my current job as well as front desk at a gym. And I didn’t even GO to the gym at the time ‘cept to work, so it’s not like I was doing it for the free membership. So…whatevs. I think of it as great experience in observing human behavior. You know…for that novel I’ll write one day. :)

  4. Oops, didn’t realize I wasn’t signed in. The above Anonymous post is from me- semi-regular reader/comment poster. :)

  5. Er, as someone who works in HR at a (now-failed-and-seized-by-the-guvmint) bank, let me tell you: People do the wide-eyed and backing-away when you tell them that, as well. Or maybe that was your point? I’m not sure. I used to love my work but the pendulum is swinging the other way now and I’m remembering that this is all just jobs, man. Bills have to be paid, food has to be purchased, and fooey on those grad school bitches for having attitude about it.

  6. These people were failtards. Actual people would have bought TONS of crap and made loud noises about how WONDERFUL you were when your manager was within hearing. I suspect they are all unemployed themselves.

  7. Sometimes I feel “ended up”. : in a small town, :as a receptionist, : as “just” a Mom. and sometimes I get that attitude from my own self, like, is this what I am now? But it is what it is. Coffee helps, as does booze. Don’t let the mean girls get you down, indeed.

  8. I have a BFA (Bachelor of Fuck All as we like to call it ha), and I spend all day shoveling horse shit. The literal, real kind. BUT I is the BARN MANAGER which means I am boss over all the barns and all the horses and poo within them! POWER!
    People I graduated with do look a bit stricken when I tell them what I do but hey, I have no stress and I am happy there (even with the low pay) so screw them.

  9. Eh. I’ve ended up as a temp. Unless my life changes; it might. A high school teacher give me shit for not finishing college. I offered to go back if he paid for it (I cannot even afford community college, y’all). That shut him up. Lots of people are willing to judge. Fuck them.

  10. I ran into an old acquaintance the other day. She asked me what I’ve been up to. I told her I was working in a bookstore. Then this happened:
    Her: Oh. I thought you had your masters?
    Me: Yeah, well, I also had a baby…so…sort of more important to me that I work in this county than that I work in my field.
    Her: Yeah, I guess kids can sort of mess up your plan like that.
    Me: Well. He didn’t mess up my plan. He changed it. But thanks.
    *Cue awkward departure*

  11. That ended up thing. Such a great question!

    I don’t know the answer.

    What I think is probably that at some point you are all done but you don’t know it and the illusion keeps you going. And there are surprises.

    But you aren’t even near ended up.

  12. I’m sure most of us have looked at search results, and followed it up by checking the backlinks of the top 10 sites….and then scratched our heads and said …

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