Dear MFDiary: Pichah Post!

Wow, what’s going on in this blog? Hmm, looks like an Xmas.

Hey sister go sister gotta have some snow sister.

This is the aforefabled hat I got in BC.

Let’s talk about fucking Tweedle Beetles. When XmasEvers Fight it’s called a Xmas Seafood Battle.

This are snow, let me in. This is snow that caused kerploofie and a tranformer and a blackout.

How about Xmas, I hear you ask. I heard you liek bag zombies.

Lego tiems.

Did I mention that Strudel’s Dad made sofa buns? I think I did.

Happeh Xmas!

7 thoughts on “Dear MFDiary: Pichah Post!

  1. Dude, that is my favorite Dr. Seuss book ever. We should have a glass or three of wine and read it out loud sometime. Srsly.

  2. Hmm, I dunno about that. We just added to our collection to bring our number up to 1000 pieces. I was just reminiscing yesterday about many happy hours with my pirate ship and medieval castle when I was little.

  3. I just stepped on a lego helmet this morning; fucker does that hurt! But the kids love the damn things. :) And it wasnt a square piece.

    But to the point; what did Xmas Steve bring this year????

  4. Christmas Steve brought baby food. There was much shrieking–“He thinks we’re BABIES!”

  5. I’m in your blog, stalking your face.

    Looks like you had a good Christmas. It’s always more fun when children are involved. My brother and I are “young adults” now, so we don’t squee over every non-clothes item we get anymore. And me, being the brat that I am, I honestly couldn’t think of anything to put on my wish list this year. I suppose you reap what you sow, but I wasn’t ecstatic over the office chair I received on Christmas Day.

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