Hello, Svarit

Killing some time today, are we? Your comments keep rolling in as I am writing this awful crapping paper. Say Hello, lurkers. I can’t bite you from over here. Maybe I want to read what you’re writing.

23 thoughts on “Hello, Svarit

  1. Why hello right back, I’m touched :) Today I have spent all day doing what I did last October to Shauny’s site: reading all the old entries. I must say they are quite the riot SJ. You people have a way of writing that just makes us readers naturally laugh. We could try all we want to read everything with a straight face but I don’t think it’s possible =P Keep it coming and my best to everyone over there!

  2. Does it count as lurking if this is my first visit?
    I would have commented on the post below, I liked it alot.

    Especially the ending. Nice touch. And yes, commenting DOES
    indeed make the blogging world go ’round.

    Cool blog! Added you to my links a few minutes ago so I can get back here
    more easily than my last path.

  3. Just saying “Hi.”


    Like Svarit, I’ve gone back and read some old posts. I think my favorite has to be “Vaginabreakers.” What kind of woman would see how many jawbreakers she could put in her vagina? Well, the kind of woman that would write something I’d want to read.

    Sorry my crap isn’t quite as interesting. But thanks for stopping by.

  4. I’ve been lurking for a while, and have popped up in a couple of comments. Love your writing though, SJ.

    Nice contribution to Girlyshit.com as well…great site, isn’t it!? The girls do a good job.

  5. I liked Frenchie’s ‘damn dogs’ comment. I have a 19 mo. old so I’m taking notes. She doesn’t talk yet – “what’s that?” and “ahhh-boom!” are about it – but I know she’s going to be hilarious when she starts.

    Several months ago I taught her to act ‘strong’ – you know, that Hanz and Franz weightlifter pose from Saturday night live? Now, she just pulls it out of the blue – in the middle of dinner, in the bathtub – because she knows it will crack me up. Frickin’ comedian, she is.

    So anyway…back to my 10-hour day helping the DSL users of the world solve their connection problems so they can get back to all those nasty things they want to download. Keep it up, miss.

  6. hey,
    yes you’re right. i lurk on your blog occasionally…
    in any case, hi, Really enjoy your posts and actually laugh out loud. a rare but good thing.

  7. Me? Actually put forth the effort into creating an online weblog?! HA! Good one ;) But seriously, my writing talent is not that high although when compared to the uneducated masses, it is brilliant. Plus, my engineering-oriented mind is waaay too analytical about writing to do well =P I get enough of a kick out of reading your three’s (grammar?) material here at Shauny’s site.

  8. One question my conceited, self-centered persona must know the answer to; Why did you name today’s blog what you did? Did you just want something different or what? And with that question, I’m off to bed so that I can read new stuff tomorrow morning at work. Night all!

  9. Gotta love the elusive Svarit. That, or he’ll suck your brain out through your toes.

    …call me…

  10. Hi SJ,
    I see you’ve found my blog already, thanks to the magic of the Sitemeter, but I thought I should officially say ‘hello’ now that the opportunity has presented itself. You keep doing your Evil Information Scientist homework, and I’ll keep working on my Chinese homework!

  11. Thanks for checking in, everyone. It is cool to have some new peeps to stalk. And some old beloved peeps (Jimbo).

    Svarit: I was just so jealous of you, being able to pleasure-read while I was sitting here doing an online catalogue analysis. Jealous!

  12. Online Catalogue analysis vs. Visual Basic Programming in Excel while eating Frosted Mini Wheats…..hmmmm, I dunno, something about hte Mini Wheats calls me, hehe

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