
A couple of nights ago P. and I were squabbling over, I swear, the order eggs should go into the fridge and how to tell if they were older or newer. For some reason I was getting louder and louder until I was shouting! Over something SO STUPID! I took a breath and I heard a voice though the window from outdoors:


It was our hobos who always wander the neighborhood, chatting to us and being friendly. I was so embarrassed my mouth snapped shut.

“Who does that? Who SHOUTS through WINDOWS like that?” I said a couple of minutes later.

“They are probably from the Midwest,” P. said.

It took a couple of seconds, then the ice burn sunk in. GOOD DAY SIR.

4 thoughts on “P.wned

  1. I’m from Chicago, right? My best friend and I used to live in a courtyard building, on the second floor. The people who lived directly beneath us apparently only had one set of keys, or else a lot of visitors who didn’t like using the buzzer, because people would stand under the window at all hours of the day and night and holler up “MABEL! Mabel, throw the keys down. MAY-BELL! Throw the keys! I need the keys, Mabel! MABEL!!!”

    Oh, the midwest.

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