Today! $13 more! I cannot seem to stop SHOUTING EVERYTHING LATELY! Too much Diet Rockstar, I believe. Did I just confess that I drink Diet Rockstar? Ooh, I am now below Kathy Lee on the Hip Scale. God, I’m sorry, but it’s good.

Anyway, I want to give a special shout to my sponsoring mofos, who deserve your love, via a Hallmark Greeting or a tonguebath:



2 Anonymouses!

Neverdrop11! This person just started reading my blog yesterday, I think, and has no idea who I am. I am also wondering about this name, Neverdrop11. I’m thinking it must be Serbian or something.

A REAL ENTRY, titled, “We Like the Cars, the Cars That Go Boom”:

SO, now we live across the street from a boom-boom house. The last renters were so quiet…all but invisible really. Now there are pooey teenage boys, and some preteen boys, too. The little one hasn’t had his voice change yet, so when his older brother displeases him, he screeches, “BIIIITCH!” so the whole street can hear. Funny and sad at the same time.

They spend all kinds of time out on the patio

We interrupt this blog session to tell you that the office cat Hank is puking in the kitchen. By my scientific calculations, the out-of-doors is fucking one million percent larger than my house. What are the odds he must hurl in here? VERY BLOODY HIGH. Never hire a bulemic cat. Back to our story in progress, and I will wipe that up after I hit save.

They spend all kinds of time out on the patio with the door wide open and modern “rap” music oozes and throbs out of their house. They all wear backward baseball caps and some of them were hooting at my sister and I when we were getting ready for the barbecue I had a couple of weekends ago. Well, okay, mostly at my sister.

It seems that their father works the evening shift, because the boom-boom music only starts when he vacates around 5 or so. Mr. Husband and I were heading out for a jog yesterday and we discussed the sitch.

“I’ll bet their dad doesn’t even know he lives in a boom-boom house,” I said.

“Probably not. Part of me wants to go knock on the door and have a talk with them. I’ll bet I could convince them to turn it down.” Proof positive he is getting old. I couldn’t let that one lay there.

“Yes, I can see you now. ‘Hey kids, I think your music’s the BOMB and all, but if you could turn it down that would be super-off-the-hook!”

“Oh, shove it. Do you think we should tell him?”

“No. I think that living with a vibrating sternum for two hours a day is better than making enemies of teenaged boys.”

I was picturing them egging beautiful Jerome, who is almost paid off, or teepeeing, or even breaking in, for heaven’s sakes! I mean, if an infant decided to to roll over in the direction of the front door, I’m sure it would swing open, that’s how secure our house is. We don’t have anything to steal, but I don’t want anyone sniffing my panties except for ME.

And my fretfulness is proof of my advanced age.


Please read yesterday’s comments. Joshua always drops great mini-entires on me.

49 thoughts on “PENIS SPANKY TIME; I was Never Safe For Work, Svarit! PENIS WILL GO AWAY SOON.

  1. Lovely heading there SJ ;) I decided to risk it again and came back. Thankfully, I remembered beforing coming here and so made sure the area was semi-deserted: Dude across cubicle hallway not looking at me, other two dudes sitting on the other side of the cubicle wall typing away inanely at their computers; the coast was clear!!! Thankfully, you did not leave me guffawing out loud this time, just a minor silent chuckle to myself as I read about your noise problems. Hey, look on the bright side! At least you didn’t mention that either of those kids represent the 28th incarnation of Satan ;) Have fun!

  2. Very, very good idea to not piss off some teenagers with too much free time!

    Seeing as how I used to be a vengeful punk teenage boy myself.
    Now I’m a vengeful punk 30-something!

    And that is a lovely Penis-o-meter!

  3. damn, if that penis just doesn’t start looking happier and happier every time i see it!

    kinda warms your heart doesn’t it?

    a rich weenie is a jubilant weenie!

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