The Party Never Stops

Today! $5! Now I can proudly boast that I am about half-way there.


Okay, so remember that end-of-year party I threw at school a few weeks ago? I have now been razzed for my typical over-planning. What follows is a little conversation on the i-chat school thread:

On Wed, Jul 09, 2003 at 11:58:14AM -0700, wrote:
> Re-live those magical Spring Fling memories……Spring Fling snapshots, the
> iSchool Song lyrics and recordings of Mike E and Harry B’s band.

The reply, from a classmate:

Four snapshots? What kinda documentarians are we? Errol Morris should
come here and kick our asses…

But I didn’t come here to criticise. Spring Fling was positively infundibular. The beer was flowing, the deans were rocking, and the cheese was plenty. Much
thanks to The Organizers for a great fling.

I would also like to publicly acknowledge the fantastic work of SJ Alexander,
ALISS’ El Vice-Presidente. Normally at receptions and functions such as this
one, all of the hors d’ouvres are picked over and decimated. This is quite normal; however, hailing as I do from the Midwest, I am always a little sad to see only the bottom-of-the-bag, some-settling-may-occur-during-shipping,
broken crackers left behind while all of the beautiful, glamorous, and
ritzy crackers as well as — ESPECIALLY — the delicious cheese have been
long consumed.

Not this time, though!

There was more cheese at this event than modesty and even Papal dispensation would allow. There was enough cheese to bind small nations…more
cheese than the combined dairy output of Lithuania, Latvia, AND Estonia. We had enough cheese to kill every vegan within a 100 yard radius. (Fortunately for the vegans, there was enough glorious beer…what with its B-complex
vitamins to provide strength.)

Throughout the evening, as both the snack supply and sobriety dwindled,
there was a constant influx of fresh, beautiful cheese until cheese was the
only thing left when the party broke up. There it sat, resplendently projecting
strength and ruling over the affair. And as I was leaving, I noticed members of
Das Organizing Kommittee — coincidentally they were the same as the ALISS
oligarchy…how does that coincide with your post-war commie conspiracy,
Mandrake — lifting up the table cloth only to reveal STILL MORE CHEESE!

I would like to send out a big note of thanks to El Vice-Presidente who not
only secured obscene quantities of this bite-sized gold to add to the I-School’s
vast stores of cheese and other perishable goods but who also personally cut it
up into tasty, polite, party-sized morsels the night before.

I salute you, SJ and the Beneficent ALISS Regime!

I remain, humbly,
/the reverend

4 thoughts on “The Party Never Stops

  1. And here I thought all you librarian types were prim, proper, prissy types. You know: Marian, and all that.


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