Hey! Blogathon’s Over Here—>>

Sup, humpers. My contribution to the Blogathon is over here. You can’t donate any more money though, because my donation link isn’t working.


Frannie says: you may leave comments on this entry if you wish, since I don’t have them in the other place. Or get in touch. I will answer all viewer mail.

13 thoughts on “Hey! Blogathon’s Over Here—>>

  1. Stalkers R Us! Good morning SJ. I took some funny photos of myself too. Fortuitously, my hair is in a top of the head ponytail, clutched by a giant leopard spotted scrunchie that defies all known standards of frilliness. When you throw it on the floor, it quivers like a beautiful underwater creature. When on my head, it just makes me look like a rather horrible human pineapple. Photos uploaded later…

  2. Interested in the child rearin’ comments particularly. But note: I don’t entirely trust the advice of Vickie Iovine (previously cited by you). Her reality does not intersect with ours:

    -She lives in Malibu
    -She admits to having a cosmetic nose job
    -She posed for Playboy, and not in an ironic or fuck y’all & thanks for the money way
    -When people ask her how she stays ‘so thin,’ she tells them that she hardly eats anything.

    Yes, she can write, she provides some good nuggets, and she is funny. But so is Ann Coulter if you don’t absorb what she’s writing about.

    What my blathering means: If I’m going to get opiniony advice on the sprogs, I’ll come here or ask my cronies. VI needs torpedoing. Comments?

  3. Iovine is a grody ho-bag and I could happily squash her pretentious, toothy, wealthy ass with the heel of my slipper. She makes me want to vomit.

    SJ your yard is great. We have the same stroller, and same imaginary rusted out car on blocks amidst the clutter and garbage. Alas, we lack chickens here.

  4. am laughing at the boyfriends. I think if I were to choose that as a blog theme (and I was tempted, believe me) I would have to blog for several days straight.

    So where are the measurements on Mr. Husband? We’re all curious now.

  5. wtf, am I really the only person commenting on this brilliance? Thank god you are making me laugh, holy fuck that makeup and bootying is funny. you all seem a little bit like me and my sister, except we could kick your asses. I wish she would come home and drink some beer with me goddamn it!

  6. Oh, holy crap. Fifty cans of Vanilla Coke in one day?

    I once drank a two-liter of Vanilla Coke on a late-night drive home from Cedar Point (local amusement park.) Two liters on a two-hour drive, straight through. The fluid went straight through me, but the rest of it stayed in my stomach as a huge, sticky mass of vanilla crapitude. It was not a pleasant evening.

    A quick calculation tells me that fifty cans is almost NINE TWO-LITERS.

    This gentleman will be very hurting or dead by the end of the blogathon.

    David Stein

  7. I have been a secret admirer of your work for some months now since I saw your link on genius badgerbag site.Stunned by all your photographs as you and your family are even more beautiful than I imagined. I am in England and 8 hrs. ahead so will be with you in spirit through the rest of the night. Best of Luck.

  8. blogathon was brilliant. i missed reading it as it came, but the round up was terrific. thanks for keeping me on my arse for at least an hour. :)

  9. Sorry I missed the Blogathon, SJ. I got back from our big rock show and was doing a lot of running around Saturday and I forgot to check in. Dammit!

  10. I been drinkin’ Vanilla Coke like it’s water, which it most decidedly is NOT, and I didn’t do me no blogathon. Whoa…I better dial it back…

  11. Oh, I missed the blog-a-thon as it was happening, but I’ve just blown off work to read it all now. Frenchie is adorable, and you, Miss SJ, and Morgan, are hysterical. I love the photo essays. On a tangent: I actually met a guy whose real last name is Husband, so there’s an actual Mr. Husband out there. His first name is Darius. Just found it amusing, is all….

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