HOT! Uncensored BAGS under MARRIED WOMENS eyez!!!65429sgd9

Remember: I will be Blogathonning starting this Saturday the 26th, 6:00 am, Pacific. That means one post every half hour until 6am Sunday. Yeah, I know, you’ll be asleep. That’s okay, you Bastards. You can look at the archives on Monday when you’re at work, for I am moving this giant server-space-suck elsewhere.

Come and see me Saturday night, when you stumble home drunk, and send me a cheering email. I will be posting candid photos that will not be here come Monday. Wink, wink.


-Sleeping-cat-on-sleeping-cat action!

-48th coffee-induced trip to the bathroom!

-“Do I have weird toes?”!

-And much, much more!

9 thoughts on “HOT! Uncensored BAGS under MARRIED WOMENS eyez!!!65429sgd9

  1. NO! Say the photos will be there, SJ, otherwise I’ll have to cancel my trip to the beach house!!!!

    I’ll miss seeing you in action : (

  2. Lurker here…would love it if I can find out your new digs! I love reading this site, you are a great diversion to my work day!

  3. Kathy: Thanks! I will have a link to the Blogathon page tonight or tomorrow.

    Squirrel: I know! Can you believe it? Nancy Pearl is actually local. I think it’s kind of booty that the figure is holding one of her books. I would prefer she was holding a classic or a made up title. I don’t know why, but it bugs.

    Badgerbag: Good luck! I will pop in on you!

    Vector Girl: Mercy Boo-cups. :)

  4. By the magic of time zones, the curse of insomnia, the abuse of caffeine, and the power of grayskull I’ll be online for the dark hours of your blogathon. I may even post a comment.

    BTW – is this an IOC tested event or are you allowed to use amphetamines?

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