Going All Gangster-Whip On Life

Things are taking many, many turns for the better, to the point where I feel like I have whiplash.

Finally, months after I submitted my first application, I have passed my research through human subjects. It took me longer to get through them than it will to talk to actual human beings, which falls under the commonly-accepted definition of irony. There has been a change of plans, and instead of just a social services agancy report I am writing the full thesis, so it looks like come June I will have an object to brain cows with after all…or at least a very sexy doorstop. You know you have set sail for Planet Academia when you are excited about being published in information science journals.

I have been a student volunteer for my thesis advisor’s research team since this summer, and two days ago she asked me to go down the admin offices to get put on her payroll. Now I am getting paid…to think ten hours a week. I knew there was a reason I decided not to go to beauty school after all. People are pooping grant money all over my advisor right now, and she says she has to use it or lose it. Money well spent, I say. I just wonder if my graduate school nemesis is on the payroll now as well. I won’t think about it too hard.

4 thoughts on “Going All Gangster-Whip On Life

  1. You will notice the time that I posted this. AGAIN with the winter mania. I love my krazy. At least I’m getting all my stuff done..I used to get depressed.

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