Sweat on Bamboo

BOY HOWDY was Franny out of it last night when she came back from her dad’s. She was repeating herself and generally acting like she was completely on drugs. I was treated to stories of naps and confusion. I can only think she has whatever virus I had. I sent her to bed early and she is home reading today. It’s hard, though. I don’t want her to miss too much school, but she doesn’t have a fever.

In other nooooos, I am looking at placing a chicken order. I think instead of going to the feed store and rolling the dice on a straight run, I will order sexed birds, which will give me a 90% chance of girls.

I worked all weekend and all my clever is squeezed out of me, I think. I feel buried–behind on email, cleaning, life.

6 thoughts on “Sweat on Bamboo

  1. I’ve had this thing where I’m out of it and creaky and feverless during the day (although it FEELS like I have a fever, which is FRUSTRATING), and then run a low grade fever at night. It’s like I’m just sick enough to feel like shit but not sick enough to actually run a fever, then come night my body is like “aw hell” and surrenders to the heat.

    I hope Franny feels better soon, and a good day of rest and reading sets her right.

  2. Brigid, that sounds like a viral infection and dehydration.

    Fuck, I need to leave work at work.

  3. There is a flu going around, I’ve got it: no fever, but I have serious mental confusion and every single muscle and joint in my body is KILLING ME. Like, nothing will touch the pain, not tylenol, advil, vicodin, nothing. I hope it is not what Franny has. I hope she feels better soon.

  4. Place the order for the chickens. Our feed store has two buckets of chickens every year; sexed and straight-run. The sexed ones sell out really quick- but when I get them, I get all girls, no problem. Every time I’ve bought straight-run, it has been 80% males. I think they salt extra boys in there- even though they swear up and down they don’t.

  5. Thanks for the tip. I have tried to select girls out of day olds using some monkey science I read on the internet, and my ratio has been about 3:1 favoring girls. It will be fun to get chickens at the post office!

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