I heard you like bling so I put bling on your egg so you can floss while you raise your cholesterol.

CAT PLANET PLANET OF THE EGGS. Man I wish they hadn’t made Raocow’s videos private. :'(

Purple is always weird on eggs, isn’t it? It’s like the red and the blue don’t want to fully integrate. I thought it looked vaguely planet-y. We bought a Paas glitter kit and then enhanced it with that super smacky gel food dye. I like Spectrum. The girls were having a kit yearning, and then were disappointed with the tiny amount of crap that was actually in it. But for $2.50, eh, no risk in letting them take a walk on the commercial side. Surprising so one, the PAAS dye sucked penises.

Strudel broke one of her eggs, so she eated it.

Purple egg with cracking.

12 thoughts on “YO DAWG

  1. Frannie looks so grown up. I like the purple egg that looks like it has Bob Ross trees on it. Dope ass eggs.

  2. I’ve only ever done dyed eggs by putting tiny holes in the shells and trying to get all the egg out without breaking it. It’s a British thing I think, so I guess that’s one of the perks of being in the colonies. Hard boiling is definitely the way to go!

  3. Franny is grown up, holy crap, I don’t even. For the tenth anniversary “spectacular” I will roll out some pics of her from when I started blogging. She was a wee bairn.

    Lizz: I have done that. It’s a PITA. This way you get beautiful colored lunch.

  4. Your eggs are super creative! We dyed eggs this year, and now we have a fridge full of devilled eggs. Nesko spent Sunday eating eggs and cabbage and went in to work Monday very glad that his office has a dog in it, upon whom he could blame the resultant odors.

  5. Lizz: Nah, we do it in Denmark, too. Did it a lot in kindergarten, where smashing your egg to eat it post-painting would be horrible and hurt your feelings. Besides, what other useless things could your parents keep around forever because throwing something so ~artistic~ out would be a shame?

    I really like the bling-egg. Did you use the glitter gel as adhesive to make them stick, or…?

  6. Tsarina: the kit comes with clear glue, glitter, and sequins, basically. And dye that sucks dick.

    Brigid: I think I am doing some deviling tonight. That should go great with…steak? :D

  7. I’ve been a pretty consistent lurker for about seven(?!) years now, and that photo of grown-up Franny actually made me do a double-take. I thought she was a grown-up friend of yours, not your grown up lil baby! O.o

  8. Tadpoledrain: they are still in the freezer! I’m getting to it. I will mention, I promise.

    Tiff: I know, sometimes I doubletake on her in the house. I thought she was my sister this morning.

  9. Franny is getting tall! Gorgeous, too.

    I love the purple cracked egg. A friend taught me a cool trick this year… Take a blue dyed egg (dry) and then dribble some red food coloring directly on, then sprinkle with salt. It looks awesome.

  10. Dude, those are the prettiest dyed eggs I’ve ever seen. I’m making the decision to never dye eggs again (sorry Sweet Baboo) because they will never live up to the fierceness of yours.

    And…”chick doesn’t like to dye eggs but now she has a kid and kinda has to” problem SOLVED.

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