They Think They’re People

Franny sat slumped at the table with an English muffin and a mug when I came out to get my first glass of water.

“Is that tea?” I said.

“Yeah,” she said, stirring it as it steamed.”I really needed something to wake up this morning. I am sooo tired.” Franny has never been a morning person.

“What kind of tea are you drinking?”


5 thoughts on “They Think They’re People

  1. It’s been too long since I’ve read Mal Mots from Franny. Gosh, this is funnnnny.

  2. HA! That reminds me of a conversation with my grandmother where she was talking about how important her morning cup of tea is. And I was like, “What kind is it?” and she was like, “I don’t know; the box is on the counter.
    And I look and it’s SLEEPYTIME TEA. “Uh, Gram? This is Sleepytime Tea.” “So?” “It’s for bedtime…never mind. Enjoy your tea.”

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