OMFG Dudes

Britney Spears totally had her baby! That fucking nitwit got her elective c-section after all. I was in labor for 47 hours. Where was my GODDAM elective c-section??? And tummy tuck, aka the “Mend It Like Beckham?”

Come to think of it, I just want the drugs. The name has not been released yet. I am voting for “London”…Victoria Beckham named her child “Brooklyn”…so’s we can have a cross-Atlantic chav/white trash cultural exchange. WHO’S YOUR DADDY NOW, TERRORISTS?

ETA: Yes, we have comfirmation…the child shall be called P.M.S. Federline. LE SIGH.

8 thoughts on “OMFG Dudes

  1. Of course I know! I am a librarian of pop culture. Just ask my wee bairn and my bairnydaddy. Thanks for the “ned” info, hee hee. ;)

  2. The only association I have with the name Preston comes from my old neighbors, who were Redneck Trash A-Go-Go. They had fourteen kids or so, never stopped moving so I could get a head-count, and one (possibly all) of these children was named Preston. The parents would never leave the house, and let the kids run around in the street. I clearly remember hearing one or both parents screaming “PRAYUSTENNN!” at all hours of the day or night. Ah, memories.

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