Who Likes Food Porn?

Dear MFD,

Me, I like food porn, that’s who. Fangsgiving was a damn success. There was one little hitch, though. I put the turkey in at exactly the right time and it was a little tight in the oven. The door was the teensiest bit ajar, and since I bought an aluminum turkey pan I knew I could get the door shut anyhow. There is a lock for the oven door that I assumed it was for keeping reckless toddlers (who should be out of the gene pool anyway) out of the proceedings. And…no. The lock is only for the automatic cleaning part of the oven, so as soon as you lock it, the oven SHUTS OFF. What the fuck is up with that? (Rhetorical question, don’t email me with diagrams attached. Again. I like being stupid; it gives me something to write about.)

But I digress. So the turkey “idled” for an hour, which I declared the crucial “standing time.” Take that, Martha. I can make up useless steps, too. Speaking of Martha and gratuitousness, I used her cheesecloth method this year. It really does produce a moist bird that’s a stunning mahogany color. I was a little concerned, too, because I got one of those gotdamn free-ranged, bathed in milk, rocked-to-sleep-wearing-a-custom-Juicy-Couture-jumpsuit that says “Future Mrs. Dinner” on the butt. So I knew it wasn’t going to be all pumped full of extra fluids with a button on it.


Figure 1: “Shake it, sexay thang!”

A friend made her turkey in a bag, which required no basting, and it had a button so she knew when it was ready. I am going with that method next year, because then I will be able to start drinking sooner.


Figure 2: It was fun to jam the sage leaves under the breast skin.

But the turkey was beautiful, I tells ya. I can tell things were okay because my mom complained only a little, about the dearth of organ meats. What can I say? I don’t enjoy rubbery bits that used to process bodily wastes in my gravy. My mom will thank me when she doesn’t develop the gout. Or maybe she’s looking for a way to get some time off work and I interfered with her master plan. “Can’t come in today, my kid gave me the gout.”

There were loads of nice drinks, including white Russians, one of my favorites, and my homemade eggnog. My mom brought wine and I made cranberry spritzers with cranberries floating it them. When we were done feasting, we watched Legally Blonde, because Thanksgiving is a totally a good day for camp.

Daniel brought stuffing, which was amazing, and as a reward I made him have Frida Kahlo hair with my leftover Halloween braid. It’s his fault for coming to my house with six braids–I couldn’t resist. Motherfucker thinks he’s Coolio or something.



Figures 3 and 4: Observe how Daniel pretends to be coy.

For the pregame show we made hand turkeys for the sliding glass door, and Frannie made lovely napkin rings that everyone enjoyed, though there was some squabbling over the pineapple one (average age of guests: 30).


The next day we went to the opening night of The Nutcracker. There were women in designer gowns, and men in tuxedos. And, this being the PNW, there were also bozos in jeans. Since we don’t own couture or tuxedos, we went the middle road and dressed up the best we could. Frannie was thrilled to have a chance to wear her picture dress again, which only had a little gravy on it from the day before.

And that was the weekend, really. Holidays get better all the time. Unlike when I was married, when I had to spend time with unpleasant people who could care less about what I wanted to do, or would ask me and disregard my opinions. No one argued, no one cried, and everyone liked the cheese. YEAH! WYLD STALLIONS RULE!

12 thoughts on “Who Likes Food Porn?

  1. Mmm, Food Porn! The woman who does http://axis-of-aevil.net/ does really splendiferous FP. Go look, you’ll need to start baking right away.

    Your TG/FG sounds like fun, we want to come next year, okay? We can swap years, one year in the PNW, one year in PS. It’ll be good. Bring the braids.

    My poor sister-in-law cooked for 15 people. She waited longer than you did to figure out the oven wasn’t working properly. Dinner was 5 hours late. However, there were many amazing appetizers and lots of wine so no one cared. We hacked the bird up and threw it on the grill. Mmmm, barbequed turkey. Who knew it was so good that way?

  2. C’mon – grilled turkey is a bachelor standby. How can you go wrong with the first rule of cooking fowl? (Apply fire to meat. Turn randomly. Eat when center is same color as edges.)

  3. And anyway, I agree. Relaxed family holidays where everybody has already been through the ringer and thinks that drinking white russians and chilling the fuck out and not giving people the spanish inquisituion so that everyone can get sauced and full and watch cheesy movies are really the best. Is that a real sentence?

  4. We call that latch the “Plath Handle” here at the homestead. And yeah, we thought it was a child lock at first, too.

  5. Came across your blog via “One Good Thing” and I must say… totally loved it. You are very funny and almost made me spit iced tea onto my computer a couple of times. Thanks for makin’ my days a little easier… I’m all caught up now because I read all the archives (I have a lot of time at work where I have to look like I’m busy when I’m really not, and I find that blog reading is great for this)and I will definitely be a regular reader. ~D.
    PS~ Your kids are the most adorable little people on the planet, which I’m sure you already know!

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