Ya Can’t Win, I Tells Ya

We got the baby to sleep through the night. It’s been a week now. How did we achieve this stunning victory after eight months of me feeding her 2-3 times a night, and then picking her up and putting HRH back in the crib because OH NO, she didn’t want to SLEEP with us…she only wanted to suck on me and then be deposited back in her bed, where she would wake up again three hours later. That sentence did not actually end up being a question like I thought it was going to, but ANYWAY, it was tiny tyranny over here!

So one night, as we were trying to ignore her piteous howling because she didn’t need anything, it was the middle of the night, and she had already been fed, I snapped. I picked up my pillow and escaped to the living room. My companion was wide-awake-but-playing-dead next to me, so he immediately got hip and followed me with his pillow and our blanket. She cried for a loooong time, but eventually we slept.

And now we have been sleeping for a few nights, and we feel much better. Our light-sleeping Strudel is no longer disturbed by us rolling over, breathing, or GOD FORBID attempting to fight crime in our own bed. There’s nothing like that little head appearing over the side of the crib to make you knock that shit off real quick. I can see the furious look in her angry little eyes: “Mother. You weren’t attempting to provide me with COMPETITION, were you, MOTHER?” (Answer: HELL NAW.)

The trade-off for having her sleep eleven hours (THANK YOU, Giant Opinionated Head of Kanye West) is that we are now fully stuck on my companion’s futon from Ye Olde Wild Bachelor Bill days. I think you could probably guess, without me telling you, that it is not long enough for our legs, and that I can feel every slat under the “mattress”. On the other hand, the living room faces the East, so we wake up to the sun now, which is nice. So this is something to do now, until we get a bigger place in a couple of months, and it’s fine.

HOWEVER, what is NOT fine is the fact that my period has come back now that I’ve had a hormone decrease due to nursing less. So, still nursing, and more frequently during the day since there’s less nursing at night. Today I had to dust off the old menstrual cup and saddle up.

Which reminds me of when I was a checker at a grocery store during college…. Sometimes I would end up having really intimate conversations with women while checking their groceries. I would never initiate these conversations, but sometimes women, usually young ones like me, wanted to ask my opinions on certain products. Tampons or pads would roll down the belt–“Have you used these? What do you think?”–and it would come out that I used neither, because I only used a non-disposable rubber cup. They would think about this information for a few seconds.

“Is there an applicator?” I remember one asking.

“No, you just fold it up, and put it in. It’s easy.”

I could see she was having trouble controlling the look of disgust on her face. “But…you must get blood on your hands.”

“Yeah, sometimes. It’s not a big deal. I’m not really afraid of what comes out of my own body.” I smiled as I handed her the receipt.

She took her bags and stalked off, looking troubled.

This was in Phoenix, where a lot of young people wear tiny-ass clothes, because it’s fucking hot as hell, and everyone’s pretty tan anyway. A higher level of skin exposure than someplace cooler, like Seattle, is pretty much the norm. I sized her up as she walked out of the store. She looked like your standard issue Phoenix chick–short shorts, tan as hell, glossy dagger nails, and a tank top. She looked like she was at least in her late teens and if I had to guess I would say she was probably sexually active.

Okay, I know this is a little apples-to-oranges here, but stick with me. More than once I have revealed what I do about my period and have encountered that “EW EW blood” attitude from women who had boyfriends (and in one case, a husband). So it’s okay to let your fella repeatedly jam his penis into you, but you can’t reach in and fish out a little rubber cup? WHAT? Dude, don’t even talk to me about unsanitary, you penis-jammer.

I’m not at home nights, you know, all smearing my glorious female essence on my chakras or anything, but it’s your body. Get comfortable in it to the point where, if you had to, you could reach up there and find that missing Barbie head or button or whatever. I’m just saying.

12 thoughts on “Ya Can’t Win, I Tells Ya

  1. It’s amazing how many women are afraid of their own vaginas, yet permit persons of questionable hygiene to insert their penises into said vaginas, isn’t it? Good post.

  2. That reminds me: a friend of mine was talking about the first live-in boyfriend she had. They were both pretty young. My friend is prone to nosebleeds, and one day it happened again. She blotted up the blood with Kleenex and thoughtlessly tossed the tissues in the wastebasket.

    Her boyfriend freaked out when he saw the bloody tissues, and came out of the bathroom to confront her about being so very gross. But he calmed down right away when she explained that it wasn’t period blood, it was *nose-blood*. Whew.

    Then there’s an older acquaintance of mine who remembers her Roman Catholic boarding school, and how she had to bathe while wearing her nightgown (you wash underneath it), and how the rule about sleeping with your hands on top of the covers was strictly enforced.

    Spooky crazy-making girl-flesh POWER….

  3. I’m not at home nights, you know, all smearing my glorious female essence on my chakras or anything,

    I used to sleep with someone who did this once after we had sex. Well, actually what she did was to use her glorious female essence to make war-paint lines on her cheeks. For some reason it seemed sort of dorky and romantic and funny at the time, though when I think about someone rubbing blood and cum on her face I have to admit my first reaction is, “Ick.”

  4. HAHAHA! I am a big fan of glad rags, but the men in my life are not fond of them. Well, to be more exact, they are not fond of the “soak bucket” for said rags. Dude, I was an organic, granola, cloth diaper mommy with a soak bucket full of shitty diapers, so how can they be offended by a soak bucket of less stinky origins? Go figure.

  5. I LOVE that Instead cup. I figure you get blood on your hands once a month anyway (and isn’tr that why we have soap in the bathroom?). Plus, there’s no risk for TSS with the cup. It’s just like a diaphragm.

    Kudos on the sleeping baby success! I slept the whole night through on my first night home from the hospital, and my mom woke up and thought I was dead. I think she got over the shock and embraced sleeping-baby-freedom pretty quick, though.

  6. I need to get an Instead cup… my gyn’s recommended it a bunch, I just haven’t been able to find it anywhere in my uptight Republican college town.

    But yeah, I can’t understand the guys who get uptight about blood. The males in my family are very used to wastebaskets full of tampons and despairing wails to “get me a pad, PLEASE!” I figure, you have a mother and you might have sisters, and someday you might have a wife or daughters. So grow up and get over it, because there WILL be blood in the bathroom.

  7. there’s a non-disposable cup? I loved the disposable Instead ones, but I’ve never seen a no-throw-away version. thanks for the link, sj.

  8. You’re way braver than I am, but I loved your post. Amen. Ave. Twice. Dammit, if I have to watch another grown woman purchase diapers for her monthly cycle I am going to throw something.

    Have you heard of these nurses who do the ez-vac on themselves once per month? (Like a D&C) They say it cramps, but the idea is awfully appealing….

  9. I heart DivaCup!!! And LunaPads, which are v. similar to the aforementioned Glad Rags. Love love love. I calculated — last night, actually — that I haven’t spent money on “feminine products” in over 5 years. I can’t even get my head around how much plastic and shit I’m not throwing out.

  10. I end up just shoving the Lunapads in my underwear… the little snap-in things are too bulky and awkward. The diva cup is also great!!! I have a vague fear that the suction will someday vacuum my IUD right out of there.

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